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I too had ‘the privilege’ of training both, at Ft. Greely and attending NWTC at Black Rapids, multiple times during 75-78 but since I was ‘permanent party’, doing 3 years (2 long tours, as they were called, of 16 months each) we didn’t attend the actual course’s. We did however, go there and do several training cycles to include everything from cross country skiing (the normal method of movement during the winter along with snowshoes, downhill skiing while wearing heavy rucksacks (more for coordination and balance than actual tactical reason) and winter survival. In summer the training consisted of rock climbing, glacier work, small river craft (boat) handling and inland waterways navigation and other back country military operations. It was great! Keep in mind that the Interior of Alaska is one of the coldest places in North America, equal to far Northern Canada, Siberia, etc. -40 and -50 degrees below zero is common and I’ve seen it -80 windchill at Ft. Greely (-50 +- with 30-40 mph winds and gust), it was absolutely miserable! That was 40 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday, but that’s a story for around the campfire…
One other course I was able to attend was the Air Force “Cool School” winter survival course at Eileson AFB. It was a ‘Gentlemen’s course’ but very informative and yes, we did sleep outside in ‘brush/debris shelters’ w/out sleeping bags in below zero weather and yes, we all survived.
One interesting sidenote was that school, at the time anyways, was open to selected civilians. We had both a bush dentist and a bush school teacher in our group, since they did an increased amount of flying to get to the various villages for their jobs.
Chaves county New Mexico county commissioners Thursday passed ‘The Second Amendment Sanctuary’ statute making Chaves one of 9 other counties in New Mexico pushing back against new governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham’s gun grab.
The statute basically affirms the intent of the 2nd Amendment and that the county will not enforce or use county funds to enforce any new gun legislation.
Kudos to newly elected Sheriff Mike Herrington and county commissioner Will Cavin for spearheading the effort.
Approximately 750 citizens jammed the courthouse Thursday and raised their right hand in support of the statute.
There was 1 hand raised in opposition to it.
But will they arrest and prosecute city, state and federal agents? Of course not. It’s a meaningless gesture.
“Exorbitant tolls undermine other constitutional liberties” Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg. To me this speaks against high taxes, permits and other special requirements for purchasing fire arms, ammo, sales, or gifts. Surprising from a liberal judge. It is of course going to have a lot of unintended consequences, taxing of commerce, inheritance taxes, luxury taxes, property appreciation, etc. Might even be the end of tax brackets which are unquestionably discriminative. Humm somethings to ponder. This may also destroy the entire Liberal agenda. Makes me think of the old saying. ” Hoisted on his on Petard.”
The FBI collection this DNA data can do nothing but harm, they have proven to be corrupted and untrustworthy. It started with Hoover and has continued thru today. A lot more swamp draining is in order. This is very obvious in the upper echelon of government beauracracies. They should be termed out at 20 years of civil service with pensions starting under the guide lines of the Social Security System and at the same rate and Medicare that the rest of us have to accept, not a penny more and no civil service retirement double dipping. Congress should be under the same guide lines.
I watched the trailer. I definitely won’t miss this movie. It doesn’t look as if Bonnie and Clyde are going to be portrayed as anything other than the cold-blooded killers they were, so that’s good news.
Unfortunately, there is something endemic to the American character that caused (and still does cause) people to regard people like Barrow and Parker, as well as Jesse James and John Dillinger and their like, as romantic figures. Some people seem to enjoy transforming certain criminals into Robin Hoods, as if their crime spree was simply an effort to improve the community.
Pablo Escobar and El Chapo learned that if a few pesos were spent in the community while they were pocketing billions, the peasants would regard them as being God-like. Currently, in the inner cities of America, many drug dealers are regarded similarly. I am very confident that El Chapo’s conviction within the last two weeks left many Sinoloans grieving. Those benefiting, both directly and indirectly, from the drug trade south of the border, and those American consumers who were/are end users of the drug trade could not care less about the damage toll, as long as their needs are met.
About Costner showing his age, I expect that the average guy his age would like to trade places with him in the looks department.
Supreme Court Rules Against Property Seizures
Want to read some brainwashing propaganda, read that article?
“expanding” the 8A
Rights are granted to States
People have no rights except the few, but not all, listed in the BoR
the 14A expanded individual rights
States are subject to the BoR
Constitutional Amendments prevent things
The 2A is for self-defense
I just don’t have time to correct it all and it doesn’t matter any more anyway. Nobody is getting their freedom back without a bloody fight. I’ll give Ginsburg credit though, she sounds like me ranting and raving about the entirety of Western Jurisprudence. Weird, with a name like that you would think that she might know the source of our supposed Liberty.
Shades of the Third Reich! American company(ies?) helping China track its people parallels the sales (by IBM) to the Hitler regime that helped them track their victims: motorized punch-card sorters. The Hollerith cards were the predecessors to electronic computerized databases, and permitted easy searches for any catalogued characteristic desired.
Hey rucksack rob and JWR, one of the best memories of nwtc was this older gentleman that was a civilian contractor working there. Turns out he was with tenth mountain in ww2 and was still putting us youngsters to shame on the slopes in the early eighty s. He could make those old suicide slates do the job of the best skis on the market
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I too had ‘the privilege’ of training both, at Ft. Greely and attending NWTC at Black Rapids, multiple times during 75-78 but since I was ‘permanent party’, doing 3 years (2 long tours, as they were called, of 16 months each) we didn’t attend the actual course’s. We did however, go there and do several training cycles to include everything from cross country skiing (the normal method of movement during the winter along with snowshoes, downhill skiing while wearing heavy rucksacks (more for coordination and balance than actual tactical reason) and winter survival. In summer the training consisted of rock climbing, glacier work, small river craft (boat) handling and inland waterways navigation and other back country military operations. It was great! Keep in mind that the Interior of Alaska is one of the coldest places in North America, equal to far Northern Canada, Siberia, etc. -40 and -50 degrees below zero is common and I’ve seen it -80 windchill at Ft. Greely (-50 +- with 30-40 mph winds and gust), it was absolutely miserable! That was 40 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday, but that’s a story for around the campfire…
One other course I was able to attend was the Air Force “Cool School” winter survival course at Eileson AFB. It was a ‘Gentlemen’s course’ but very informative and yes, we did sleep outside in ‘brush/debris shelters’ w/out sleeping bags in below zero weather and yes, we all survived.
One interesting sidenote was that school, at the time anyways, was open to selected civilians. We had both a bush dentist and a bush school teacher in our group, since they did an increased amount of flying to get to the various villages for their jobs.
Chaves county New Mexico county commissioners Thursday passed ‘The Second Amendment Sanctuary’ statute making Chaves one of 9 other counties in New Mexico pushing back against new governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham’s gun grab.
The statute basically affirms the intent of the 2nd Amendment and that the county will not enforce or use county funds to enforce any new gun legislation.
Kudos to newly elected Sheriff Mike Herrington and county commissioner Will Cavin for spearheading the effort.
Approximately 750 citizens jammed the courthouse Thursday and raised their right hand in support of the statute.
There was 1 hand raised in opposition to it.
But will they arrest and prosecute city, state and federal agents? Of course not. It’s a meaningless gesture.
“Exorbitant tolls undermine other constitutional liberties” Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg. To me this speaks against high taxes, permits and other special requirements for purchasing fire arms, ammo, sales, or gifts. Surprising from a liberal judge. It is of course going to have a lot of unintended consequences, taxing of commerce, inheritance taxes, luxury taxes, property appreciation, etc. Might even be the end of tax brackets which are unquestionably discriminative. Humm somethings to ponder. This may also destroy the entire Liberal agenda. Makes me think of the old saying. ” Hoisted on his on Petard.”
The FBI collection this DNA data can do nothing but harm, they have proven to be corrupted and untrustworthy. It started with Hoover and has continued thru today. A lot more swamp draining is in order. This is very obvious in the upper echelon of government beauracracies. They should be termed out at 20 years of civil service with pensions starting under the guide lines of the Social Security System and at the same rate and Medicare that the rest of us have to accept, not a penny more and no civil service retirement double dipping. Congress should be under the same guide lines.
I watched the trailer. I definitely won’t miss this movie. It doesn’t look as if Bonnie and Clyde are going to be portrayed as anything other than the cold-blooded killers they were, so that’s good news.
Unfortunately, there is something endemic to the American character that caused (and still does cause) people to regard people like Barrow and Parker, as well as Jesse James and John Dillinger and their like, as romantic figures. Some people seem to enjoy transforming certain criminals into Robin Hoods, as if their crime spree was simply an effort to improve the community.
Pablo Escobar and El Chapo learned that if a few pesos were spent in the community while they were pocketing billions, the peasants would regard them as being God-like. Currently, in the inner cities of America, many drug dealers are regarded similarly. I am very confident that El Chapo’s conviction within the last two weeks left many Sinoloans grieving. Those benefiting, both directly and indirectly, from the drug trade south of the border, and those American consumers who were/are end users of the drug trade could not care less about the damage toll, as long as their needs are met.
About Costner showing his age, I expect that the average guy his age would like to trade places with him in the looks department.
Supreme Court Rules Against Property Seizures
Want to read some brainwashing propaganda, read that article?
“expanding” the 8A
Rights are granted to States
People have no rights except the few, but not all, listed in the BoR
the 14A expanded individual rights
States are subject to the BoR
Constitutional Amendments prevent things
The 2A is for self-defense
I just don’t have time to correct it all and it doesn’t matter any more anyway. Nobody is getting their freedom back without a bloody fight. I’ll give Ginsburg credit though, she sounds like me ranting and raving about the entirety of Western Jurisprudence. Weird, with a name like that you would think that she might know the source of our supposed Liberty.
Shades of the Third Reich! American company(ies?) helping China track its people parallels the sales (by IBM) to the Hitler regime that helped them track their victims: motorized punch-card sorters. The Hollerith cards were the predecessors to electronic computerized databases, and permitted easy searches for any catalogued characteristic desired.
Hey rucksack rob and JWR, one of the best memories of nwtc was this older gentleman that was a civilian contractor working there. Turns out he was with tenth mountain in ww2 and was still putting us youngsters to shame on the slopes in the early eighty s. He could make those old suicide slates do the job of the best skis on the market