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  1. I really enjoy reading this blog, especially articles from AL!! My husband and I are planning to move to Idaho this year…have to get out of Ca. We waited due to medical, alas, maybe too long. I would love to read more of daily life of AL, you sound amazing. What dehydrator do you use for meats? Do you store in jars or bags? The little things are important. Love your site!

    1. Hi Julie,

      I use both Ziplock Freezer Bags and Mason Jars. We vacuum seal the Mason jars. We also have vacuum pack bags, that Jim has used in the past. I have yet to use them, myself. We have an Excalibur Food Dehydrator. I dehydrate my meats at a temperature between 145 -155 degrees Fahrenheit for 7 – 9 hours. There are set directions for dehydrating meats in the manual. I tend to dehydrate them longer than what may be required. I’m not an exacting person, which is probably another reason why I don’t enjoy pressure canning.

      Thank you for your kind words, but I’m just a regular wife and mom trying to juggle many routine things at once: our relationships, schooling, cleaning house and animal sheds, cooking by scratch, blog writing, animal chores and my own particular interests of language study and staying in shape.

      I only have momentary bursts of inspiration and energy for doing our “survival activities” every few weeks or so, such as camping, fire building, dehydrating, fishing, hiking, canoeing, shooting, and all the rest of it, etc. On a regular day to day basis, in winter, we’re really boring, I think. After schooling and housework, I take a lot of down time to rest and learn on the internet. I want to read and see what is happening in the world, though most of what I see makes me feel very sick at heart. Sometimes I’m on it for hours more than I should be, when, I really should be doing something else… I’m trying to be more proactive in accomplishing a Prepping activity every day.

      When we indeed do something cool, you’ll hear about it. If we’re quiet, then you can know we’re just maintaining the status quo of our life: homeschooling, blogging, cooking and cleaning lifestyle et cetera. 🙂



  2. I make a variation of your dish! Never get tired of it because I switch up the spices. In addition to the veggies you listed I use also chunks of both sweet potatoes and white potatoes together. That’s some good starch for a cold winter’s day. Sometimes the veggies way outweigh the beef. As for spices, I mix together curry powder, turmeric, and fresh grated ginger root. Sometimes it’s rosemary. A recent favorite is Berbere powder, an Ethiopian spice mix. It’s hot and densely layered with flavors.

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