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  1. Wasn’t it the ant(s) who stocked up and the lazy grasshopper who didn’t? Regardless, point taken on both the food, firearms and accessories. ;>)

      1. Unfortunately, due to recent changes in CA law, all AR platform receivers – even if by themselves and not assembled in any fashion to form a complete firearm, are now legally defined by the State as “assault weapons” and must be registered. Deadline to register without punitive penalty and criminal charges was yesterday. For those few who know the ever-dwindling workarounds to the tightening laws here, the only legal way now to “have” an AR is to buy an 80% lower, plus all the parts to assemble a completed firearm (from a separate source), and store them as-is without completing the lower. In a worst case scenario where LE somehow finds the stash, you do not have anything illegal because there is no legally defined “firearm” or “assault weapon”, and you cannot be charged with any wrongdoing. At some future date if TSHTF and you really need it, you can finish the lower and assemble to give yourself an AR to defend yourself within 24 hours.

        Yeah, I know…it’s ridiculous. But remember that in CA possession of an unregistered assault weapon is now a felony. Want to hear something even “stupider”? The Dems in Sacramento have now crafted more gun control legislation that will ban all semi-auto rifles with detachable magazines. They undoubtedly think up such stuff with the AR platform in the forefront of their minds, but that will make my Browning BAR deer rifle illegal.

  2. A social network that does not store or sell your personal data is MeWe.com. A couple yrs ago, when facebook stopped allowing gun buy/sell groups, some of those groups migrated over to mewe, & that’s how I first heard of it. MeWe also has a number of prepper/survival, & homestead, gardening groups.

    Wishing a happy & blessed & safe New Year’s to everyone!

  3. As a fortune teller, I would have starved to death. But that being said, I’ll go out on a limb and make another prediction, and that is that ” Nancy Polesie and her Democratic gang ” will beat out Obama for firearms sales person for the next one to two yrs. I could be wrong again, but?

  4. I joined the Oathkeepers some years ago. Today, I received this: https://oathkeepers.org/2018/12/you-helped-make-this-possible-in-2018-oath-keepers-year-in-review/

    If, after reading the below statement, visit this link to learn more about the Oathkeepers: https://oathkeepers.org/about/
    Oath Keepers come in all colors, shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds with one common bond – the oath to defend the Constitution. If you take your oath seriously, and believe in defending the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, and of whatever political party (there are oath breakers galore in both major parties), and if you stand for the rights of all Americans, at all times, then you are one of us. Join us. We need your help to preserve liberty for our children and grand-children, and for all Americans.

    For the Republic!
    Oath Keepers

    I recommend the “orders we will not follow” link.

    Carry on

  5. Well, December in WA brought on a boom in sales. 2A store employees went home exhausted every night. Black Friday at the 2A counters in stores meant taking a number and waiting three hours for service.

    And now the anti 2A State Attorney General pre-filed three laws for the socialists to ban weapons, magazines, and violate the State constitution. It’s on.

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