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  1. “A Force for Evil”

    But first these ‘children’ are given twelve solid years in State worship training and compliance regimes. I think the system is working splendidly, exactly as intended, no?

    Nobody is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.

  2. “A Force for Evil”:

    I see folks at the end of their lives, giving their wealth, sometimes all the generational wealth, not believing in inheritance, to colleges, thinking it to be the same as giving to God, that they are furthering Christianity…

    Maybe this was true decades ago, during the Age of Intellect, but not now…

    Their contributions are used to tear apart the very framework of the Republic and destroy Christianity…

    By Sir John Glubb
    52 pages
    Published April 1978 by William Blackwood and Sons, Ltd.
    pages 10-12
    XVIII The Age of Intellect
    XIX The effects of intellectualism
    XX The inadequacy of intellect

    There is no provision for higher education in the U.S. Constitution, yet we spend billions, if not trillions on it. There is a provision for a Militia, yet we spend very little on that.

    They might not look very threatening right now, but the student mass paramilitary social movements of the past century helped to murder tens of millions of people. These institutions are a clear and present danger to freedom… All it would take is a few months of training and indoctrination…


  3. A force of evil
    A local TV channel, KOB4 (NBC affiliate) carried the Taos story on Tuesday. They seemed to downplay the fact that the eleven children were starving and focused on how the county Sheriff had called those in custody ‘Islamic Extremists’, citing possible ‘offense’ with his words.

    Then next day news broke of finding the deceased 4 year old, and trained potential young terrorists.

    Gotta love how local news doesn’t want our feelings to get hurt….

  4. Re: A Force for Evil

    My son attended a community college practically down the street from our home, but his proximity to family didn’t stop him from making the same poor decisions most all teens make when they are first on their own.

    He was suddenly burdened with the power to make life changing commitments without the life experience to make good ones. And, as predictably as the sunrise, he refused to use the resource of the parents’ wisdom.

    Student orientation looked more like a carnival midway, the entire campus covered by aggressive touts hawking tobacco, caffeine drinks, spring break vacations, electronics and, most importantly, credit cards.

    Cut to the chase, he spent the remainder of his college time paying off a $12,000.00 debt to Visa. He was embarrassed and humiliated, of course, but more he was outraged that colleges not only allow and encourage these whores to take advantage of wet-behind-the-ears kids, they take a percentage for providing ripe herds of naive mellon heads to plunder.

    And that’s just on the green outside. Imagine the exploitation of cluelessness that goes on in the classrooms. Well, college is an eyeopening experience….

    I have to say my son, now in his 40s, only makes one mistake of a kind and learns well from each one. He learned the hard and effective way that no one offers something for nothing, “smilin’ faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within,” and if someone comes at you with philanthropy on their lips you must run..RUN…the other direction as fast as possible.

    Evil is real. It lives to protect and procreate itself. And it is very, very patient.

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