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  1. “expats should study a nation’s long history as well as current history before deciding to relocate”

    And they should study whether their prior home’s government immigration policies might garner a tit for tat and therefor their expulsion.

    I’m not making a political statement here I’m merely pointing out the politics of this situation.

  2. If I remember correctly, one of my heroes, Maj. General Smedley D. Butler had a few words about foreign nations (one guess, pilgrim) meddling in Nicaragua and other nations in Central America. His book, War Is a Racket, lays out the bloody details of how he and his Marines killed many people defending their land from Wall Street goons.

    Many of the multinational corporations of today got started by stealing the land of “those people” to plant coffee, bananas, citrus, and other lucrative cash crops. Of course, the kind of crops you and I raise for ourselves and our families, as did farmers in Nicaragua, were plowed under or burned.

    And Wall Street tycoons got rich.

    Carry on.

  3. The Australian Firearms Act of controlling firearms is alive and well in Seattle. All of our firearms must be locked in a safe, and all ammunition stored in a separate locked container. Any lawful firearms licence holder faces harsh financial penalties, and it can be basis to revoke a gun licence. Meanwhile unlicensed criminals using unregistered firearm don’t face any extra penalties – and of course you cant remove a licence from someone who doesn’t hold one.

    Living rurally it is also extremely rude of snakes to leave the area and hide in the time it takes me to open the safe, grab the shotgun, then get the keys to open a locked ammo box, load the shotgun and return to the spot where the snake was – please snakes, a bit of consideration for the onerous storage requirements.

  4. Is Seattle stopping with requiring guns to be locked up? How about booze and pot? Knives ?

    As an aside , the City is losing cops in record numbers because the city government is second guessing their every action .

  5. The store owner should of called police/FBI/BATF on borat for falsely trying to purchase a firearm. A new “documentary” about his time in jail would be really funny because it is so easy to purchase firearms.

  6. Hi, Could you do a call to action to get ready to stop Initiative 1639 that will probably make the ballot in Washington State!! Check with the website saveoursecurity.com for more information. We have got to get every gun owner engaged in stopping this initiative!

  7. Regarding civil war:
    Civil wars are mostly about resources.
    If you refuse to pay your taxes they will send a SWAT team to deal with you. They throw you in jail for a long time and take all your stuff.

    If a state or a region told the Federal Government, “we aren’t taking orders from you anymore, and by the way, don’t hold your breath waiting for our tax money, …and your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries,” the Fed’s are going to send in troops to retake the capitol cities. They will probably also get control of the food shipments, and start confiscating weapons.

    They don’t like being insulted, but they REALLY really don’t like losing that tax money (after all, they have millions of voters waiting for their welfare checks, Obama phones and government pensions.) Besides, limo’s, champagne, private clubs and million dollar condo’s don’t grow on trees, ya know.

    But, but, but… THE Civil War was fought over a philosophical principle instead of tax money, right??? The North already had all the industry, resources and weapons. The South didn’t have squat… cotton maybe.

    Yes, The War Between the States started because of the slavery issue, but at the time the South felt the North was simply trying to dominate them politically and economically. Their solution was to go their own way, and live by their own rules. Many in the North were actually indifferent to the slavery issue. But the politicians in the North were naturally insulted and outraged. The war became a contest of wills.

    However, its unlikely that in modern times, a civil war will ever start because of a “culture war.” The Left has achieved nearly every goal they have desired for the last 100 years… the income tax, welfare, abortion, gay marriage, gun control, open borders, legalized drugs, socialized medicine, etc. Yet, the opposition party has never rebelled. (conservatives are sort of like Canadians, they’re too polite, they pick up their trash at protests, etc.) The reason may simply be because the divide is usually between rural vs urban rather than between states per se. And the cities always dominate the rural counties.

    Oh, yeah, they’ll let you pull your kid out of school, or burn your social security card, or refuse to bake a gay cake (no wait, they won’t let you NOT bake a cake)… but don’t you dare refuse to pay your taxes. And don’t you dare let your state file for divorce from Daddy Deep State.
    He’s gonna whup her up the side of the head ’till she learns her lesson.

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