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Martial law- military government involving the suspension of ordinary law.
Treason-the crime of betraying one’s country.
If ordinary law codifies/enumerates the inalienable rights which provided the basis for the creation of our country, then those who would suspend those laws are at war with the people and betraying our country.
Buy a cheap wedge type doorstop. Demonstrate its use to your child. Drop it in their book bag.
Hopefully it’ll be ready by this fall, but my “done except for editing” book fits Selco’s description of all-but-name martial law like a glove. Like others (including Mr. Rawles) I use a financial disaster as the means, but point out all of the needed prior steps are already done. They’ve been in place since at least the 1930s, pretty much.
The really cool thing about a “school walk-out” is you’re not in class; you’re outside gossiping, flirting, and not learning. I wish we could have done this back in my day.
Billy Graham was a fine, moral Christian gentleman who led many around the world to Christ. Of course, the main stream media wants to smear him as they are ultimately controlled by the Other Side.
The Selco interview addressed the reality of martial law. Choosing your population density and established culture will determine most people’s fate.
Selco stated, “The sad truth is that a majority of people are sheep.” In my experience, make that ‘vast majority’.
Amen on that…Take these articles on Urban Survival if your still in a city(over 100k) and you have the knowledge that something bad could happen you really aren’t serious about you and your families survival when you stay there…I could even take it a step further and say unless you are totally self sufficient and dont receive anything from anyone and can protect what you have from any force then hiding in the woods is just as delusional…You need a Community of like-minded, self sufficient, Liberty people…
Now is the time to homeschool your children. The public school system is broken beyond repair. When was the last time there was a “homeschool” shooting?
I used to think that as well but talking with people that they both have to work to even keep their heads above has been leading me to see the need of one room schoolhouses again…So I’m going to look into getting one up and running and if anyone would like to get onboard they are more than welcome…
This is true. Farfal wrote that in Argentina during the collapse, many parents who homeschooled had to stop, because they both had to work. Private schools that were affordable did a big business, if I remember the book correctly (read it several years ago).
In one room schoolhouses, the children taught each other what they had learned, big kids helping little kids. Quite similar to a traditional style martial arts school, where yellow belts teach white belts.
The style of teaching had to be very different, so if you want to try this, read some old books. Lots of group recitation too.
Thanks for the mention of the door lock, the inventor is my nephew, we couldn’t be prouder!
He stole the idea, see my proof in comment above.
Daisy has a few other interviews with Selco. Search around Organic Prepper.
One thing Selco didn’t say — but I’m sure was the case — was that EVERYBODY is a snitch under martial law, because they perceive this is how to gain favor, or at least stay off the radar. And this is true no matter where you live. If you are in a “prepper community” guaranteed somebody knows what you are, or suspects you are. This will be true in a small town, or a subdivision (especially) or a city neighborhood. I think overall he’s saying, “don’t be so cocky” and “what you think you can do, you can’t, so get over yourself.”
To my American friends who won’t stand togther, I have a dejavu sense that you are mostly engaging in what too many Australians did and STILL do regarding gun control !, when I was active in a executive level in a large firearms rights organisation during the John Howard years prior and after the 1996 gun buy back, the very common refrain from hundreds of people I spoke to at gun shows and our organisational public meetings was ” I don’t shoot black powder ” or ” I only shoot IPSC ” or ” I am a member of deer stalkers Inc ” or [ insert your hobby here ] and they refused to stick up for each others discpline, very,very few are willing to stand up and fight for another disciplines right to exist. I personally don’t like boar hunting with dogs and sticking a knife in a boar from three feet away, I find it distasteful , however I am willing to stand up for their right to do so, Australians, like Americans are a very indpendant bunch of people, both continents were founded by hardy explorers, braving, weather, hostile natives, animals more than able to kill you, compound that with no maps, no gps and modern other technology, they all came with a desire to explore, theywere rugged pioneering individuals, they fostered the ability to adapt in harsh loneliness, to survive, the same traits today work against those in both countries who for the most part wish to be left alone, to be independant of the ” system “, we [ firearms owners] need to pull togther in order to survive, having your bunker or similar and tens of thousands of runs is great, but it is no longer good enough, the mentality that I see is the sure way we will lose, I saw it in Australia [ it still exists] I see it within the US, the firearms owners and their public voices are on the defensive, back pedaling, the rate of back pedaling in the US is increasing daily, I am not a religious crazy, but I CAN assure any you who choose to see this, for a NWO type order to come into being worldwide in the form of a totalatarian state, the very last nation to break must be and is the USA, the die I suspect is almost cast for a new order, can it be delayed for a set period of time ?, years ? decades ? a century ? maybe, I don’t know, but unless you Yanks stick together like S#$t on a blanket as we Aussie’s say, you are going to fall and fail, you GOT TO STICK TOGETHER !!!! get it ?. Being the Emu that sticks it’s head in the sand ain’t gonna work here guys, if it comes to it , many, many Australians will stand up and fight with you either way.
ex pat Aussie
Amen and Amen, ex pat Aussie.
Lots of folks want to argue about which is the “best” gun rights organization.
Don’t engage in fratricide of your own allies, friends. Support each other, work with each other. I guarantee that gun rights organization “XYZ” is a lot friendlier to your position than, say, Bloomberg and company, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, et al.
Don’t shoot your friends — sounds like the first rule of political success.
Last year this site recommended Valley Foods for binary triggers and I ordered same day because they were supposed to be in stock. I waited 3 months and they had no idea when they’d get more. I finally cancelled and ordered directly from Franklin Armory and received it about 3 weeks later. Save yourself some time and order directly from Franklin.
Martial law- military government involving the suspension of ordinary law.
Treason-the crime of betraying one’s country.
If ordinary law codifies/enumerates the inalienable rights which provided the basis for the creation of our country, then those who would suspend those laws are at war with the people and betraying our country.
Buy a cheap wedge type doorstop. Demonstrate its use to your child. Drop it in their book bag.
Hopefully it’ll be ready by this fall, but my “done except for editing” book fits Selco’s description of all-but-name martial law like a glove. Like others (including Mr. Rawles) I use a financial disaster as the means, but point out all of the needed prior steps are already done. They’ve been in place since at least the 1930s, pretty much.
Re: students “invention”
It appears he stole this idea.
Bilco’s been making these for years.
Nice try, junior!
Think I may have gotten this from Survivalblog but I share this link whenever people start asking for more from us:
The really cool thing about a “school walk-out” is you’re not in class; you’re outside gossiping, flirting, and not learning. I wish we could have done this back in my day.
Billy Graham was a fine, moral Christian gentleman who led many around the world to Christ. Of course, the main stream media wants to smear him as they are ultimately controlled by the Other Side.
The Selco interview addressed the reality of martial law. Choosing your population density and established culture will determine most people’s fate.
Selco stated, “The sad truth is that a majority of people are sheep.” In my experience, make that ‘vast majority’.
Amen on that…Take these articles on Urban Survival if your still in a city(over 100k) and you have the knowledge that something bad could happen you really aren’t serious about you and your families survival when you stay there…I could even take it a step further and say unless you are totally self sufficient and dont receive anything from anyone and can protect what you have from any force then hiding in the woods is just as delusional…You need a Community of like-minded, self sufficient, Liberty people…
Now is the time to homeschool your children. The public school system is broken beyond repair. When was the last time there was a “homeschool” shooting?
I used to think that as well but talking with people that they both have to work to even keep their heads above has been leading me to see the need of one room schoolhouses again…So I’m going to look into getting one up and running and if anyone would like to get onboard they are more than welcome…
This is true. Farfal wrote that in Argentina during the collapse, many parents who homeschooled had to stop, because they both had to work. Private schools that were affordable did a big business, if I remember the book correctly (read it several years ago).
In one room schoolhouses, the children taught each other what they had learned, big kids helping little kids. Quite similar to a traditional style martial arts school, where yellow belts teach white belts.
The style of teaching had to be very different, so if you want to try this, read some old books. Lots of group recitation too.
Thanks for the mention of the door lock, the inventor is my nephew, we couldn’t be prouder!
He stole the idea, see my proof in comment above.
Daisy has a few other interviews with Selco. Search around Organic Prepper.
One thing Selco didn’t say — but I’m sure was the case — was that EVERYBODY is a snitch under martial law, because they perceive this is how to gain favor, or at least stay off the radar. And this is true no matter where you live. If you are in a “prepper community” guaranteed somebody knows what you are, or suspects you are. This will be true in a small town, or a subdivision (especially) or a city neighborhood. I think overall he’s saying, “don’t be so cocky” and “what you think you can do, you can’t, so get over yourself.”
To my American friends who won’t stand togther, I have a dejavu sense that you are mostly engaging in what too many Australians did and STILL do regarding gun control !, when I was active in a executive level in a large firearms rights organisation during the John Howard years prior and after the 1996 gun buy back, the very common refrain from hundreds of people I spoke to at gun shows and our organisational public meetings was ” I don’t shoot black powder ” or ” I only shoot IPSC ” or ” I am a member of deer stalkers Inc ” or [ insert your hobby here ] and they refused to stick up for each others discpline, very,very few are willing to stand up and fight for another disciplines right to exist. I personally don’t like boar hunting with dogs and sticking a knife in a boar from three feet away, I find it distasteful , however I am willing to stand up for their right to do so, Australians, like Americans are a very indpendant bunch of people, both continents were founded by hardy explorers, braving, weather, hostile natives, animals more than able to kill you, compound that with no maps, no gps and modern other technology, they all came with a desire to explore, theywere rugged pioneering individuals, they fostered the ability to adapt in harsh loneliness, to survive, the same traits today work against those in both countries who for the most part wish to be left alone, to be independant of the ” system “, we [ firearms owners] need to pull togther in order to survive, having your bunker or similar and tens of thousands of runs is great, but it is no longer good enough, the mentality that I see is the sure way we will lose, I saw it in Australia [ it still exists] I see it within the US, the firearms owners and their public voices are on the defensive, back pedaling, the rate of back pedaling in the US is increasing daily, I am not a religious crazy, but I CAN assure any you who choose to see this, for a NWO type order to come into being worldwide in the form of a totalatarian state, the very last nation to break must be and is the USA, the die I suspect is almost cast for a new order, can it be delayed for a set period of time ?, years ? decades ? a century ? maybe, I don’t know, but unless you Yanks stick together like S#$t on a blanket as we Aussie’s say, you are going to fall and fail, you GOT TO STICK TOGETHER !!!! get it ?. Being the Emu that sticks it’s head in the sand ain’t gonna work here guys, if it comes to it , many, many Australians will stand up and fight with you either way.
ex pat Aussie
Amen and Amen, ex pat Aussie.
Lots of folks want to argue about which is the “best” gun rights organization.
Don’t engage in fratricide of your own allies, friends. Support each other, work with each other. I guarantee that gun rights organization “XYZ” is a lot friendlier to your position than, say, Bloomberg and company, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, et al.
Don’t shoot your friends — sounds like the first rule of political success.
Last year this site recommended Valley Foods for binary triggers and I ordered same day because they were supposed to be in stock. I waited 3 months and they had no idea when they’d get more. I finally cancelled and ordered directly from Franklin Armory and received it about 3 weeks later. Save yourself some time and order directly from Franklin.