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  1. I want to thank you for two of the very best articles I have read in a good long while. As you mentioned sewing has almost become a lost art. I can count on one hand all the people I know that still know how and use their knowledge of sewing for the benefit of their families or communities. I for one would like to hear more from you and other like minded people. what will we do when the shtf for sure and the grid goes down and no cloth period will be manufactured. No more thread. no more needles, no treadle machine parts being made or available due to loss of communications and the list goes on and on. Where and how will our shoes be repaired? where will we get batting for quilts and heavy winter clothes etc. Again, Thank you for a thought provoking article! God Bless all your endeavors.

  2. Thank you so much for this great article! I hardly know anyone who even thinks about saving, mending or redesigning clothing let alone knows how to do it! I’ve been asked lately to repair work jeans with holes in the knees and after patching on the backside with denim I’m having fun adding hearts and other shapes with the patches on the outside. Many comments and the guys are proud to wear them.

  3. Thank you for an interesting article, with lots of bright ideas.
    So many items apparently on their way out can be stored to come in handy later. I’m thinking here specifically of Grandpa’s old best braces, which contained yards of thick red elastic making waist bands for pretty skirts. Old denims, and summer dresses re-purposed. Old T shirts cut into strips and crocheted make very useful door mats and pet beds and are virtually indestructible as well as washable.
    However sorting and storing your notions and equipment in an easily accessible location is necessary.

    Thanks again for providing hints on an essential subject.

  4. Interesting article. I can remember as a kid, playing with my taylor grandfather’s machine. Do spend time with your kids doing simple tasks, the learning environment is so much more productive than modern schools.

  5. I really enjoy sewing, especially redesigning clothes. I seldom make an entire garment from scratch anymore, but if I do, I usually try to make the pattern myself. I shop thrift stores for fabric. The local thrift store has a brown bag sale, which is $10 right now. Any clothes that will fit in that bag are $10. I can fit a lot in a bag! I use them for fabric. I have done lots of stuff. I took 2 t shirts and made a pair of shorts. I make bras out of the stretchy women’s shirts. I am scheming up some other projects too. Maternity clothes can be made from other clothes. The Internet has so many ideas. I never bought maternity clothes.

  6. It is nice to know there are a few people with sewing skills left in this country. Most of the fabric stores in my area have closed and the few stores carrying fabric are “craft” stores which do not carry quality material. I go to the thrift stores and buy 1/2 price items of good quality and “re-engineer” them in to useful items. Thanks for the article.

  7. We have Amish north about 60 miles. We have Mennonites about 60 miles southwest. They know what quality is and the have fair and reasonable prices. I realize strip mall rent is insane and our local fabric store is ridiculous compared to those in homes and barns.

  8. You can get good fabrics for good prices on Ebay.

    Also, search New York Garment District Fabric Stores. This will bring up a number of them. You can order samples, and they will ship anywhere. I have bought from B&J Fabrics (expensive high end), and New York Elegant Fabrics (everything you can think of). Most of my old stomping grounds are out of business, unfortunately. Mood Fabrics also has a good reputation, but any of them should be safe to buy from, as long as you don’t see bad reviews.

    Just tell them what you want (black wool garbardine, lightweight denim, cashmere, chantilly lace, cotton shirting, heavyweight linen, boiled wool, lining fabric, or whatever). They sell to designers all over the world.

  9. Thank you for these 2 wonderful articles! I sew but it seems to be a lost art. As a teenager, I practically lived at International Silks and Woolens, in LA. I would pour over fashion magazines and then re-engineer patterns to be “Vogue” ready. I have always shopped thrift/consignment/odds n ends shops for material. A large REAL cashmere sweater can become many things! I have a friend who even unravels sweaters of good quality, and then re-knits them into new garmets. The ideas to be creative are just endless. I feel sorry for women who are enslaved to designer names and ready made clothing.

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