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planted more garlic and carrots this week. we love canned carrots. got 2 pear and 2 plum trees in and planted. started working on last 3 x 8 by 2 deep raised bed. pulled 72 hours on unit. i’m a medic
This week, I’ve been building a rabbit tractor and a goose nest. Because my geese stay in a goose tractor (like a chicken tractor) at night, there isn’t room for nests in it. I let them out in the morning, in the net wire fenced in pasture, and if the geese want to nest, they go get on their nest. The nests have doors I close at night to protect from coons and possums. So I’m building another 2 nests. Almost done.
This past week we realized the completion of a goal- to heat our home solely from wood heat. Our Kuma Tamarack wood stove is now installed and the old diesel furnace has been switched off. Here in the Willamette Valley the temperatures have not begun to drop into freezing territory yet, but we’re close, and the heat from our stove is just perfect.
Every time I put another piece of wood on the fire, it reminds me that I am free and not dependent on someone else to provide for my family. We are so thankful to have this freedom and will be expressing that gratitude this week as we prepare for Thanksgiving with family.
Yes free … but what is even better is 5 years of wood under the roof
Consider part of the great deception transhumanism. The mark of this beast will be genetically changing your blood so you will no longer be purely human. This has already started with gmo foods and nano techknology. I’m not saying if you eat bread you’ve taken the mark, just beware what you allow to be put in your body. The beast is not going to stand there and say you must take my mark, no one would do it then. It’s going to sound very benevolent, like take this and it will heal your disease and give you long life, hence the deception. It will be real, but a false salvation.
I’m sorry, but that is nonsense and fear mongering, and there is absolutely no basis in scripture to substantiate your claim and insinuation that the consumption of GMO’s is accepting the mark of the Beast. Matthew 15:11 states “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.“
And what is coming out of your mouth in this instance are untruths sir.
I said that Jason. Read, I’m not saying if you eat bread you’ve taken the mark. What I am saying is the mark is not going to be a simple chip they insert under your skin. Taking the Mark makes it impossible for you to enter the kingdom of heaven. If I had just a chip, I would cut my arm off to gain entrance, but this cannot happen. Once the mark is taken it effects your entire being. There is no repentance from the mark. Yes, it is scary because it is very deceptive.
My location is still above freezing so our fall garden is still producing, hopefully for a few more weeks before we cover it over with a foot of straw. We have an occasional 25 degree night but then it is back to high 40s and low 50s.
– Harvested about 12 pds of sweet peppers and 8 pds of hot peppers; will dry the sweet peppers and make hot sauce from the others. Pulled about 10 pds of sweet potatoes and I’m letting them setup before going to cold storage. Put up 5 pds of green beans, and working on 10 pds of tomatoes today. Dehydrated 4 pds of curly kale to use in soups and casseroles.
-Received an order of 1 dz flannel lined coated work gloves and 3 pr of flannel lined leather winter work gloves. Got a free LED light and free shipping with it.
May you have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.
New age has adulterated silence. A pluralistic form of prayer is being practiced in many ways already. The military practices this way of praying and reluctantly tolerates the closing words “in Jesus name.”
You bring up an important concept about prayer without discernment. Throw in the most unseen forms of technology and I see clearly how your warning is quickly becoming a reality.
We fear silence in our society. We feel awkward around it but that does not make silence a wrong practice. It can be revealing, especially concerning our sinfulness. It exposes our motives when done in the presence of God. We have to be quiet to listen. “Be still,” Psalm 46.
David practiced meditation in the presence of God. He knew exactly who he was listening for. He was contemplating the beauty of God. The person of Christ is central. Silence can be a form of trust. Waiting and silence are two different things but part of being quiet before God is asking the question, what does it mean to wait upon the Lord? (Psalm 62)
I was blessed by your post. I just found another family member, thanks for sharing brother.
I’m having difficulty in central NY state. We have a “Runnings” store nearby and they show me all the semi-automatics to choose from and everyone that has caught my interest states before checkout, Not available in NY! Things have been coming together otherwise.I read and learn more each day. I fear when the time comes to really relocate, it will be difficult getting through when we’re totally out gunned. I’ve been am minister and Chaplain for several years and I’m hoping to carry on wherever we land. I’m not short of faith and trust in Isaiah 54:17. But I also believe that the Lord has blessed us with the foreknowledge of what will be soon in our path which gives us the opportunity to prepare, and in my case the best we could. But I’m feeling with the strict limitations force on us I may need to find a more 2nd ammendment friendly state to better out fit ourselves! Peace to you all, Chaplain Tim
Welcome to the site Pastor! Glad to have you!
Chaplain Tim, come north to Maine. It’s a constitutional carry state, now. Lots of vets up here, and barely over 1 million people in the whole state. Lots of wilderness & good inexpensive land. You could do a heckuva lot worse.
Due to divorce and job change I have had to leave my “alamo” Montana log home on 20 acres, 24 cords of firewood, horses, goats and chickens. Now 1400 miles seperate me from my two daughters, few preps and living in q 17 foot RV. I have a well paying secure job in S.W. AZ. Prying it holds togwther ad i re-establish my preps in a desert location. Any advice is truly appreciated.
I don’t have advice but I want to say I’m sorry for this hardship you are experiencing. Divorce can feel similar to that of a loss from a loved one’s death. Not sure how raw it is for you right now but just to encourage you please know that you are not alone. I hesitate to give any advice because this seems such a personal thing but if you are open I have a couple thoughts about ways to encourage you while you get yourself set-up again.
As someone who’s started over from nothing, it helped to think I was experiencing my own End of the World As I Knew It, and I could ask God to show me the way to first cope, then thrive in the new phase of my life. I sure didn’t see a way forward at first.
It happens slowly, but God will show you a new, fulfilling life where you personally are very much a part of God’s plan for the future. On those days when it seems too hard or pointless to keep it all together, remember starting over is like driving in dense fog: The road is still there, even when you can hardly see it. God bless. You’re in my prayers tonight. Being brave enough to reach out for advice tells me you’ve got what it takes to make it.
Snow and below zero cold back home; but I’m deployed to Puerto Rico and its hot & muggy. If all goes as planned I should be home for Thanksgiving; but then I am reminded every day that the first casualty of battle is the plan.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving; and if I don’t make it home we’ll have it at the DEFAC (Mess Hall in new army terms)
Why the picture of Bumble Foot on your chicken?
That bumble looks bad! Epsom salt soak, cut, get core, clean, neosporin, and vetwrap. (sounds easy… but it aint)
Agree with Jim, might be ready for the pot.
I completed a goal I’ve worked on for three years this week. Yesterday I finished cooking my sugar cane crop into cane syrup. During the Great Depression, my parents and grandparents did the same. They planted, cultivated, harvested their own sugar cane. They took it a horse powered sugar cane crushing mill and had it crushed to harvest the juice. They then boiled it until it turned into syrup. When it reached the appropriate temperature where there was no more water in the syrup, they put it in properly prepared Mason jars while it was still above 212 degrees F and allowed to seal as it cooled. I planted and raised a row of the purple variety of cane about 150 feet long. It produced about 180 stalks of average sized cane. This yielded a little over 15 gallons of juice which cooked down to 3 gallons of syrup which was stored in pint and quart jars. This will provide a two year supply of syrup for my family of 4 adults.
So where/how did you turn the stalks into juice to process?
The current low price of ammunition prompted us to lay a few more cases aside. On the home front, we continue to harvest and process our heritage, pastured turkeys on a year-round basis. After the holidays, the market for whole birds will evaporate, but we will be offering turkey bone broth and other turkey products. Thanks to Wyoming’s FOOD FREEDOM ACT, we are now able to market our goods much easier. Shows you what can be done when you get the regulators out of the way.
planted more garlic and carrots this week. we love canned carrots. got 2 pear and 2 plum trees in and planted. started working on last 3 x 8 by 2 deep raised bed. pulled 72 hours on unit. i’m a medic
This week, I’ve been building a rabbit tractor and a goose nest. Because my geese stay in a goose tractor (like a chicken tractor) at night, there isn’t room for nests in it. I let them out in the morning, in the net wire fenced in pasture, and if the geese want to nest, they go get on their nest. The nests have doors I close at night to protect from coons and possums. So I’m building another 2 nests. Almost done.
This past week we realized the completion of a goal- to heat our home solely from wood heat. Our Kuma Tamarack wood stove is now installed and the old diesel furnace has been switched off. Here in the Willamette Valley the temperatures have not begun to drop into freezing territory yet, but we’re close, and the heat from our stove is just perfect.
Every time I put another piece of wood on the fire, it reminds me that I am free and not dependent on someone else to provide for my family. We are so thankful to have this freedom and will be expressing that gratitude this week as we prepare for Thanksgiving with family.
Yes free … but what is even better is 5 years of wood under the roof
Consider part of the great deception transhumanism. The mark of this beast will be genetically changing your blood so you will no longer be purely human. This has already started with gmo foods and nano techknology. I’m not saying if you eat bread you’ve taken the mark, just beware what you allow to be put in your body. The beast is not going to stand there and say you must take my mark, no one would do it then. It’s going to sound very benevolent, like take this and it will heal your disease and give you long life, hence the deception. It will be real, but a false salvation.
I’m sorry, but that is nonsense and fear mongering, and there is absolutely no basis in scripture to substantiate your claim and insinuation that the consumption of GMO’s is accepting the mark of the Beast. Matthew 15:11 states “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.“
And what is coming out of your mouth in this instance are untruths sir.
I said that Jason. Read, I’m not saying if you eat bread you’ve taken the mark. What I am saying is the mark is not going to be a simple chip they insert under your skin. Taking the Mark makes it impossible for you to enter the kingdom of heaven. If I had just a chip, I would cut my arm off to gain entrance, but this cannot happen. Once the mark is taken it effects your entire being. There is no repentance from the mark. Yes, it is scary because it is very deceptive.
My location is still above freezing so our fall garden is still producing, hopefully for a few more weeks before we cover it over with a foot of straw. We have an occasional 25 degree night but then it is back to high 40s and low 50s.
– Harvested about 12 pds of sweet peppers and 8 pds of hot peppers; will dry the sweet peppers and make hot sauce from the others. Pulled about 10 pds of sweet potatoes and I’m letting them setup before going to cold storage. Put up 5 pds of green beans, and working on 10 pds of tomatoes today. Dehydrated 4 pds of curly kale to use in soups and casseroles.
-Received an order of 1 dz flannel lined coated work gloves and 3 pr of flannel lined leather winter work gloves. Got a free LED light and free shipping with it.
May you have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving holiday.
New age has adulterated silence. A pluralistic form of prayer is being practiced in many ways already. The military practices this way of praying and reluctantly tolerates the closing words “in Jesus name.”
You bring up an important concept about prayer without discernment. Throw in the most unseen forms of technology and I see clearly how your warning is quickly becoming a reality.
We fear silence in our society. We feel awkward around it but that does not make silence a wrong practice. It can be revealing, especially concerning our sinfulness. It exposes our motives when done in the presence of God. We have to be quiet to listen. “Be still,” Psalm 46.
David practiced meditation in the presence of God. He knew exactly who he was listening for. He was contemplating the beauty of God. The person of Christ is central. Silence can be a form of trust. Waiting and silence are two different things but part of being quiet before God is asking the question, what does it mean to wait upon the Lord? (Psalm 62)
I was blessed by your post. I just found another family member, thanks for sharing brother.
I’m having difficulty in central NY state. We have a “Runnings” store nearby and they show me all the semi-automatics to choose from and everyone that has caught my interest states before checkout, Not available in NY! Things have been coming together otherwise.I read and learn more each day. I fear when the time comes to really relocate, it will be difficult getting through when we’re totally out gunned. I’ve been am minister and Chaplain for several years and I’m hoping to carry on wherever we land. I’m not short of faith and trust in Isaiah 54:17. But I also believe that the Lord has blessed us with the foreknowledge of what will be soon in our path which gives us the opportunity to prepare, and in my case the best we could. But I’m feeling with the strict limitations force on us I may need to find a more 2nd ammendment friendly state to better out fit ourselves! Peace to you all, Chaplain Tim
Welcome to the site Pastor! Glad to have you!
Chaplain Tim, come north to Maine. It’s a constitutional carry state, now. Lots of vets up here, and barely over 1 million people in the whole state. Lots of wilderness & good inexpensive land. You could do a heckuva lot worse.
Due to divorce and job change I have had to leave my “alamo” Montana log home on 20 acres, 24 cords of firewood, horses, goats and chickens. Now 1400 miles seperate me from my two daughters, few preps and living in q 17 foot RV. I have a well paying secure job in S.W. AZ. Prying it holds togwther ad i re-establish my preps in a desert location. Any advice is truly appreciated.
I don’t have advice but I want to say I’m sorry for this hardship you are experiencing. Divorce can feel similar to that of a loss from a loved one’s death. Not sure how raw it is for you right now but just to encourage you please know that you are not alone. I hesitate to give any advice because this seems such a personal thing but if you are open I have a couple thoughts about ways to encourage you while you get yourself set-up again.
As someone who’s started over from nothing, it helped to think I was experiencing my own End of the World As I Knew It, and I could ask God to show me the way to first cope, then thrive in the new phase of my life. I sure didn’t see a way forward at first.
It happens slowly, but God will show you a new, fulfilling life where you personally are very much a part of God’s plan for the future. On those days when it seems too hard or pointless to keep it all together, remember starting over is like driving in dense fog: The road is still there, even when you can hardly see it. God bless. You’re in my prayers tonight. Being brave enough to reach out for advice tells me you’ve got what it takes to make it.
Snow and below zero cold back home; but I’m deployed to Puerto Rico and its hot & muggy. If all goes as planned I should be home for Thanksgiving; but then I am reminded every day that the first casualty of battle is the plan.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving; and if I don’t make it home we’ll have it at the DEFAC (Mess Hall in new army terms)
Why the picture of Bumble Foot on your chicken?
That bumble looks bad! Epsom salt soak, cut, get core, clean, neosporin, and vetwrap. (sounds easy… but it aint)
Agree with Jim, might be ready for the pot.
I completed a goal I’ve worked on for three years this week. Yesterday I finished cooking my sugar cane crop into cane syrup. During the Great Depression, my parents and grandparents did the same. They planted, cultivated, harvested their own sugar cane. They took it a horse powered sugar cane crushing mill and had it crushed to harvest the juice. They then boiled it until it turned into syrup. When it reached the appropriate temperature where there was no more water in the syrup, they put it in properly prepared Mason jars while it was still above 212 degrees F and allowed to seal as it cooled. I planted and raised a row of the purple variety of cane about 150 feet long. It produced about 180 stalks of average sized cane. This yielded a little over 15 gallons of juice which cooked down to 3 gallons of syrup which was stored in pint and quart jars. This will provide a two year supply of syrup for my family of 4 adults.
So where/how did you turn the stalks into juice to process?
The current low price of ammunition prompted us to lay a few more cases aside. On the home front, we continue to harvest and process our heritage, pastured turkeys on a year-round basis. After the holidays, the market for whole birds will evaporate, but we will be offering turkey bone broth and other turkey products. Thanks to Wyoming’s FOOD FREEDOM ACT, we are now able to market our goods much easier. Shows you what can be done when you get the regulators out of the way.