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  1. Regarding article on Lyme Disease – NEW information to us, here in Lyme. My 80 year old sister just diagnosed with Lyme – not the first time she has had it! Copied article and sent to everyone I know, including the Physician Assistant at nearby walk in clinic. Thanks to YOUR blog, I have FishMox Doxy in my refrigerator (and other antibiotics), and use it when I even see a tiny tick on me. NOW, I know that 48 to 72 hours (which the doctors around here say is enough) may NOT be enough. I ALWAYS toss it on the Expiration Date. My sister and I watch each other for signs of Alzheimer’s/Dementia. This is one of the BEST articles you could have ever posted on any subject! We know of people who have had their lives destroyed by Lyme, and even DIED. A neighbor’s little boy was bedridden for FOUR MONTHS with it! Most Doctors are uninformed, even though Lyme was first noticed here in Lyme. One would think that Connecticut Doctors would be up on the latest, but seems FEW are! Sincerely, Veteran Blog Content Contributor – love my new title!

  2. Regarding Public Schools…my daughter graduated high school being on the AB honor roll for all four years. She could not make high enough SAT to get into any college in the state. She had to attend a technical school and take remedial math and English. She now has 28 hours and a 3.84 GPA. She did the work assigned in high school and learned nothing. I don’t blame her, they assigned the grades.

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