Why is it that nearly every mainstream newspaper, magazine, and web journalist reporting on “preppers” or “survivalists” feels obliged to illustrate it with a picture of someone wearing a gas mask? (And usually it is a nearly useless and thoroughly obsolete Russian gas mask with a dangling filter canister, not properly stowed in a pouch.) These cliched images are tiresome, and they only serve to belittle the whole movement. Such images are about as de rigueur as pictures of Steampunk enthusiasts with goggles on their hats. But at least those folks actually wear them. – JWR
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Instructables: How to Hang a Farm Gate
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A Self Reliance Expo in Denver, Colorado is scheduled for November 4th and 5th, 2016.
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Over at Off The Grid News: 8 ‘Weird-But-Essential’ Things You Aren’t Stockpiling (But Should Be)
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