Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Henry Rifles U.S. Survival AR-7 Rifle

When asked by my wife or daughters what I want for my birthday or Christmas, I have a pretty set answer– “something that goes bang or cuts.” So, I’m fairly easy to shop for these days. Last Christmas my beautiful wife bought me a Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 Survival Rifle, and it is a most welcomed addition to my meager firearms battery. While just about any firearm can be used for “survival” purposes, the AR-7 was designed specifically to be a compact rifle that was designed to aid in actual survival situations. Some history on the AR-7 is in order, …

Recipe of the Week: Hamburger Soup

Ingredients: 1 lb lean ground beef ¼ tsp pepper ¼ tsp basil ¼ tsp oregano ¼ tsp seasoned salt 1 (8oz) can tomato sauce 1 tbs soy sauce 1 cup sliced celery 1 cup sliced carrots 1 cup macaroni, cooked and drained ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 envelope onion soup mix 3 cups boiling water Directions: Crumble beef into slow-cooking pot. Add pepper, oregano, basil, seasoned salt, and dry soup mix. Stir in water, tomato sauce, and soy sauce; then add celery and carrots. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. Turn control to high and …

Letter Re: Velcro on Tactical Gear

Hugh, I have had the opportunity to serve as an 03 with the Marine Corps, an officer with a small police department and in private contracting. During that time, I have been able to use all sorts of nice kits, and my experience stems from that. I would say Velcro is not a good idea in my opinion, unless you include silencers (additional pieces of Velcro) which can be used to silence the hook and loop tearing noise. We often would sew extra Velcro into magazine pouch closures of similar on radio pouches, et cetera. So if you are headed …

Economics and Investing:

Deutsche Bank Unveils The Next Step: “QE Has Run Its Course, It’s Time To Tax Wealth” – G.G. o o o The Two Income Trap has only gotten worse: America has become a dual-income nation since one income isn’t enough to maintain a household. – D.B. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Are Members of Congress Becoming Telemarketers? (60 Minutes/CBS) Excerpt: “And your job, new member of Congress, is to raise $18,000 a day. Your first responsibility is to make sure you hit $18,000 a day. Crony Capitalism and the Rigged System: 0.01% of Households Gave 33% …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It’s coming everyone. Your Parental Rights Of Your Children Terminated by your State. The example in the article is of a mother transporting meth and she nearly lost custody of all her children, but the article is clear on the State “authority” determining “abuse” in parent’s conduct. That word abuse is a vague line to draw and could mean anything in the near future. How about your State “people” determining that homeschooling is abuse, teaching Christian principles is abuse, or owning guns is abuse, and the list goes on and on. So glad my family made the move to the …