Notes for Monday – April 18, 2016

On April 18th, 1521, the trial of Martin Luther began its second day and Luther refused to recant his teachings despite the risk of excommunication. Also on this day in 1942, the Doolittle Raid on Japan was carried out. Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, and Nagoya were bombed. While strategically ineffective, the raid had a huge impact on the moral of the United States, showing that Japan was not “out of reach” like they believed.

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Savage Arms AXIS II XP

I’m one of these people who doesn’t brag very often about my accomplishments in life. The walls in my office are lined with various certificates I’ve earned over the years, from all types of training, too, and I only have about half of my certificates displayed. One of my few military training certificates I’ve managed to hang onto over the years is from the United States Army Marksmanship Training Unit. It’s from April, 1970 and certified me as completing the Rifle Instructor and Coaches clinic. I’m extremely proud of this earned diploma. Oh, it’s not that I didn’t know how …

Sage Advice: Topping Off Ammo and Rounding Out Gun Collections Before July

At a recent gun show here in The American Redoubt, I had an interesting conversation with a Vietnam War veteran who is mostly a dealer in ammunition handloading components. As we spoke, he was sitting at his table behind a quite tall pile of cardboard cases of cartridge primers, packaged with 5,000 primers to the outer case. The subject of the upcoming presidential election came up, and I asked him if that is why he had such a large inventory of primers. He responded in the affirmative and then added: “Every time there is some sort of political crisis, I …

Recipe of the Week: Nutty Chicken Breast

Ingredients: ¼ cup peanut butter 2 Tbsp chopped peanuts 4 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp instant minced onion 1 Tbsp minced parsley 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 pinch ground ginger 4 whole chicken breasts, halved, skinned and boned 2 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp melted butter or margarine 1 (10½ oz) can chicken broth 1 Tbsp cornstarch Directions: Mix peanut butter, peanuts, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, onion, parsley, garlic, garlic, and ginger. Spread inside of each chicken breast, fold in half, and close with a small skewer or a toothpick. Place in a slow-cooking pot. Mix remaining 2 Tbsp soy sauce …

Letter Re: An Odd Piece of Equipment for Your Preps

Hugh, I saw the “Odds and Sods” post about tens units. The writer was disappointed that his unit was 9 volt and did not use AA. There are a few ways to convert 9 volt systems to run on AA, but I thought I would share this way, as it is the easiest. Obviously there are other versions out there, so it doesn’t hurt to shop around. I hope this helps. – R.M.

Economics and Investing:

Deutsche Bank Confirms Silver Market Manipulation In Legal Settlement, Agrees To Expose Other Banks o o o Obama Has Collected $18,764,164,000,000 in Taxes–$124,003 Per U.S. Job – Sent in by B.B. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Shoe Company: Obama Admin Pressured Us to Stay Quiet on TPP (The Weekly Standard) Excerpt: “Tariffs on shoes are steep, and New Balance is one of a handful of shoe companies that still manufactures shoes in the United States.” Panama Papers Offer More Evidence that Free Trade isn’t Really Free (Huffington Post) Excerpt: “But what about the United States — …

Odds ‘n Sods:

McClatchy News reports; The Panama Papers Scandal Grows–Now is Sticking to the Formerly Teflon Clintons o o o Venezuela nears total collapse as government now unable to provide food, water, electricity and protection for citizens – Sent in by C.L. o o o Jane Fonda, stumping for Hillary Clinton – Predicts Violence due to “Toxic Masculinity” – Will somebody, please tell this Marxist shill that her 15 minutes of fame ended while she was seated on a Hanoi Anti-Aircraft gun in 1972? – T.P. o o o Nothing to see here… move along; there is no corruption here: Texas Judge …