Notes for Saturday – February 13, 2016

Today, February 13th, is the birthday of both Robert Charles R.C. Sproul, Jr.(born 1939), a well-respected American Calvinist theologian, and General Chuck Yeager (born, 1923), the first man to break the sound barrier. o o o I recently received a sample of the new Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT) OC3 fixed-blade tactical knife, which was designed by SurvivalBlog’s Field Gear Editor, Pat Cascio, in cooperation with Brian Wagner. The overall length in nearly 11 inches, and it is constructed of SK5 steel that is black powder-coated. It has a practical drop point, yet it comes sharpened on BOTH edges, …

Low-Carb Paleo and Primal for Preppers, by T.Z.

I wouldn’t have much to eat in “What’s for Dinner”, so I’m going to write up my own personal paleo/primal low-carb approach to nutrition, especially as it applies to prepping. The mountain men, hunters, and others rarely had sugar and flour and were healthier. I’m not as active as them, but I’m trying to eat like them. Micro and Macro Nutrients– What Your Body Really Needs The first thing to do is separate nutrients from calories. You need nutrients– vitamins, minerals, protein, and a few other things to keep things running. These, like oil and radiator fluid, are things you …

Letter Re: Making the Last Run

Hugh, One thing I didn’t notice in his post was learning your store layouts. Most stores are pretty much laid out the same way, but they do on occasion move things around. Notice where everything is and make sure you pay attention each time you visit your local grocery store. Bread and milk are not normally placed together, thus you have to go through the whole store to get both. Milk is usually at the back of the store or at least very near the back, so that you have to go all the way through to get a gallon. …

Economics and Investing:

Venezuela’s Collapse Brings ‘Savage Suffering’ – Submitted by P.S. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Welcome To Obama’s Recovery: Carrier Moving 1400 Jobs To Mexico | Zero Hedge Items from Professor Preponomics: US News How Negative Interest Rates Could Remake the Global Financial System (New York Times) Excerpt: “A decade ago, negative interest rates were a theoretical curiosity that economists would discuss almost as a parlor game. Two years ago, it began showing up as an unconventional step that a few small countries considered. Now, it is the stated policy of some of the most powerful global central banks….” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Discover, Arrest NYC Pistol License Holder Who Stockpiled ‘45,000 Rounds of Ammunition’ – Submitted by G.P. JWR’s Comment: This breathless account made me laugh. The journalist sounded truly horrified at the size of his “arsenal.” Out here in The American Redoubt, that gent would be considered just a typical local with a small gun collection. And some of us might feel pity for him only owning three AR-10 magazines, and hand him a few spare PMAGs, so that he’d have a respectable six or seven available. And anyone who thinks that 45,000 rounds of ammunition is a lot, then …