Notes for Saturday – January 09, 2016

On this day in 1776, writer Thomas Paine published his pamphlet “Common Sense,” setting forth his arguments in favor of American independence. Although little used today, pamphlets were an important medium for the spread of ideas in the 16th through 19th centuries. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 62 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in a wheeled O.D. green EMP-shielded Pelican hard case (a $1,700 …

What’s For Dinner?- Part 2, by J.R.

Sugars The recommended storage amount for sugars is 60 pounds per person per year. Most people in the developed world at this time consume far more than 60 pounds annually. It is definitely far more than we should and what is best for our health. However, if you choose to store less for your family, be sure to increase the amounts of other foods you store to compensate for the loss in calories. To give you a bit of perspective on sugar demand, here are some historical figures on per person sugar consumption in the developed world. In 1700, sugar …

Letter: Law Enforcement Officers

Sirs, When did “Peace Officers” become “Law Enforcement Officers”? Is not the purpose of police to keep the peace? Are laws merely meant to be the tools to enforce the peace? Why not call police “Baton, Pepper Spray, Taser Enforcement Officers”? If I spent a little time at it, I could probably come up with a list of peace keeping tools that would make a snappy acronym to rival “LEO”. I encourage people, particularly police, to read the principles of policing developed by Sir Robert Peel: Principle 1 – “The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent …

Economics and Investing:

Items from Mr. Econocobas: Dow Tumbles Nearly 400 Points on China Worries- Dow and S&P Off to Worse Start Ever – I would expect a relief rally very soon, otherwise I don’t see how we don’t get a serious intervention by world central banks. Silver Seen Beating Gold as Ratio Rises to Near Historical Peaks– And we are not even talking about the historical average of around 16:1. Most Americans are One Paycheck Away from the Street Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Watchdog Says Government Agencies Ignore Billions in Savings (Taxpayers for Common Sense) Excerpt: “Agencies have a “too …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Computers as judge, jury, and executioner – The risks — and benefits — of letting algorithms judge us. We aren’t to be judged, so we are algorithmed. – T.Z. o o o Doctors Urge California Residents “Leave Now…While You Can” As Gas Leak Fears Grow – Interestingly enough, I have some contacts in Texas that are telling me that this leak is small potatoes. There are apparently oil fields that have long had unstoppable leaks much larger than the one in California. o o o Denver Science Museum Reverses Course on Concealed Carry – T.P. “The new policy quietly went …