Letter Re: A Guide to Assembling an Off-Grid Carpentry Tool Box, by B.F.

Good morning, Hugh, In reference to “A Guide to Assembling an Off-grid Carpentry Tool Box, by B.F.” posted Saturday 5/23, which is an excellent treatise on carpenter’s tools, I’d suggest adding an assortment of mechanic’s tools to the “prep list.” If one peruses estate sales one can often turn up mechanic’s tools– wrenches, screwdrivers, punches, files, pliers, et cetera– in fair to excellent condition at extremely reasonable prices. I never turn down the opportunity to pick up more. Having maintained my own vehicles and performed home repairs for decades I have a good idea what tools are necessary and what …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Let’s Not Forget What Memorial Day Weekend is Really All About – The High Cost of Freedom. – D.H. o o o video: .45 ACP Lethal… A Long Ways!. – P.S. o o o Ferguson Protestors Protesting Again; They Want Their Checks! o o o Capitol Police to Get Potty Training After Leaving Loaded Guns in Bathrooms. – H.L. o o o Leaked Report Profiles Military, Police Members of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. – C.T.

Notes for Saturday – May 23, 2015

May 23 is the birthday of George Lars Kellgren (born 1943 in Borås, Sweden), the founder and chief engineer of Kel-Tec. According to LeftistAgendaPedia: He designed many firearms earlier for Husqvarna and Swedish Interdynamics AB in Sweden. He moved to the US in 1979 and his original US designs were for Intratec and Grendel brand firearms. He founded Kel-Tec in 1991. This is also the day on which in 1934 Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were killed by police near Gibbsland, Louisiana. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The …

How to Get Your Doctor to Help You in the Age of Obamacare, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Since I first wrote an article for SB on “How to Get Your Doctor to Help You Stockpile Medication” the situation has definitely deteriorated. With Uncle Sam peeping over your doctor’s shoulder, the challenge of medical prepping has greatly intensified. Whereas the general principles in that article remain true, your physician’s freedom to assist you is increasingly restricted. In the past five years we’ve seen solo practitioners closing their offices to join group practices, community hospitals being gobbled up by larger conglomerates, independent pharmacies run out of business by the big box stores, and electronic health records being mandated by …

A Guide to Assembling an Off-Grid Carpentry Tool Box, by B.F.

I pre-ordered JWRs book Tools for Survival last year and have read through it twice now. It is a great guide for anyone preparing for a time when self reliance becomes more of a day to day necessity than it is today. With that in mind, I wanted to add to the body of work by reviewing and commenting on the contents of two different tool kits that I have had a fair amount of experience with. Either one or both will serve well in an off-the-grid world. The first one is the US Army Combat Engineer Carpenter’s Squad Tool …

Letter Re: Digital Security

The writer of Digital Security Part 1 had a lot of interesting and relevant things to say on the topic. One thing I would ask him and the rest of SurvivalBlog readers to take into account is that although Firefox is a very functional browser and one of the best, their leadership espouses some rather un-Christian principles, even to the point of expelling members of their leadership who made a stand for morality. I have switched to a Firefox emulator called Pale Moon, which functions just like Firefox but without the moral equivalence. –JT

Economics and Investing:

Gold, and 3 Squirrels, 2 Vultures, and 1 Turtle o o o It Is Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off All Of Our Debt. – B.B. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 4 Factors Signaling Volatility Will Return With A Vengeance Why We’re All in Big Trouble If Gas Prices Keep Going Up Video: David Stockman CNBC Interview: The Morning After Will Be Nasty Audio Interview – David Stockman: Progressive Defenses of Obamanomics Are Laughable

Odds ‘n Sods:

FBI admits Patriot Act snooping powers didn’t crack any major terrorism cases. – JBG o o o DNA spray security system makes U.S. debut in Knoxville. – B.B. o o o Find out what Facebook knows about you. – D.S. o o o As more information emerges about the Waco shootout, even more questions are raised about law enforcement’s actions. – T.P. o o o Subway installs new DNA security system

Notes for Friday – May 22, 2015

Homestead Drying Racks is having a Memorial Day sale featuring a 15% discount and shipping at no extra charge on any of their drying racks for the weekend. The Gundersons recently purchased this business from another long time SurvivalBlog advertiser, and they are doing a stand up job. Enter the code memorial15 at checkout to get your savings. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three …

Orange Coffee Nut Firestarters, by Missouri Maven

One of the favorite things I create over the course of spring, summer, and fall are my Orange Coffee Nut Firestarters for my wood stove. I think my recipe came about because my grandparents instilled their Great Depression mindset of “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” into me at an early age. The stories they told me, of using things up until they were used as fuel to survive winter on the prairies of South Dakota, are ones I still tell my grandchildren today. With all their gadgets and technology, it is a little …

Letter Re: An Introduction to Gangs – Part 1, by T.N.

HJL, In an introduction to gangs he blames gangs primarily on “lawyers, politicians, and judges who defend and promote these groups as well as the culture and media, which have helped them recruit and excused their behavior as “cultural differences”. However, the real blame should be placed squarely on the unconstitutional war on drugs. Without the war on drugs, and the black market profits it creates, these gangs would quickly wither away to almost nothing, just like the the ones based on alcohol were withering away after prohibition of alcohol was ended till we foolishly replaced one source of profit …

Economics and Investing:

Banks fined over $5 billion for criminal activity, did you get any of it? o o o New University Of Texas President Rejects ‘Vulgar’ Salary Slurped Up By His Counterparts At Other Colleges. – PLC o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: For Many American States, It’s Like the Recession Never Ended Bubble Blowing to Continue So Long as Yellen Isn’t Raising Rates 5 Bubbles that Draghi’s QE Is Already Blowing The Gloves Come Off: Moody’s Warns Of Greek “Deposit Freeze” As Schauble “Won’t Rule Out Default”