Recipe of the Week: Crunchy Pea Salad, by L.H.

Ingredients: 1 bag (16 oz.) frozen peas, thawed 1 c. diced celery 1 c. small cauliflower florets 1/4 c. diced red or green onions 1 c. coarsely chopped cashews 1/2 c. sour cream 1 c. favorite ranch dressing Directions Combine all ingredients and chill. o o o Do you have a favorite recipe that would be of interest to SurvivalBlogreaders? Please send it via e-mail. Thanks!

Letter Re: Solar Well Pump

Hand pumps are not the only alternative to grid-powered electric well pumps. When we were researching the available options, hand pumps with a solar option was our first choice. The problem was that they would not produce the volume of water required. We needed a system that would be capable of pumping enough water to satisfy the requirements of all the livestock plus supply domestic water, if needed. (This was approximately 1500 gallons per day as a design parameter.) Consultations with the folks at Simple Pump indicated their pump could not produce enough water. That left a solar submersible pump …

Economics and Investing:

Since ’07, $11 trillion of global QE, $57 trillion of more debt, Europe 2 more recessions, Japan 3 more recessions, US 2 negative GDP qtrs, the collapsing of many EM economies. o o o A Return To Nuclear May Be Japan’s Only Option The legacy of the Fukushima disaster has badly damaged Japan’s economy, but the only relief may come from returning to the controversial power source despite the risks. o o o The Best Way to Avoid the Dollar Crisis o o o No Country For Young Workers: Only Americans 55 And Older Found Jobs In March

Odds ‘n Sods:

Woman Puts Gun in Her Mouth in New Brady Campaign Video. – T.J. o o o Technocracy Rising – T.P. o o o SurvivalBlog reader C.F. writes in to say: “Here is a topic that we all need to be aware of in packing our field kits. Some years back, regulations completely cut off the supply of Strike Anywhere matches. Then, after a few months, they were back on the store shelves… or so we thought. The fact is, the new ones barely function unless struck on the box! Everyone who is packing survival kits for a rainy day needs …

Guest Article: Extremes: Expect Consequences-Part 1, by Gary Christenson

What extremes am I referencing? The S&P 500 Index has tripled in six years, is overbought, and is at an all-time high. See graph showing 7-year cycle highs and overbought indicators. Earnings do not support the high valuations of U.S. stocks. Note the extreme valuations as shown in the graph below, courtesy of Arabian Money. Interest rates are currently at multi-generational or all-time lows and consequently bonds are extremely high in the “bubble-zone.” Many European banks and sovereign governments are “paying” negative interest. This was unthinkable a few years ago! The dollar index rallied over 25% between May 2014 and …

Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game! – Part 2 of 9, by Pat Cascio

INTRODUCTION The right cross came out of nowhere, followed immediately by a second blow. Before the victim had time to think about it, he had collapsed to the cold, snowy concrete walk. He had been attacked and robbed. The attacker had stolen a new pair of gloves from the seven year old. The attack had taken place on school grounds, during recess. The attack was swift, without warning and final! The eight year old attacker was already a known member of the Latin Kings street gang in Chicago. The seven year old victim had just learned his first (and most …

Letter Re: The Home Library

HJL, I have thought on the topic of the home library and what books it should and should not comprise, at least in terms of there being a set of bookshelves, which all family members have access to and are encouraged to read and use for study, whether one homeschools or not. A Bible and a good concordance thereto top the list, and I believe that the King James Version, in modern type, is generally the best overall. For intensive Scripture study, in fact, I usually print out a Book or chapters from the KJV from a reliable .pdf file. …

Economics and Investing:

San Francisco tech bubble spills into mega housing bubble: San Francisco median price nears $1 million while homeownership rate falters. o o o Greece draws up drachma plans, prepares to miss IMF payment . – JBG o o o Putin May Have Last Laugh Over Western Sanctions o o o A titanic quantity of derivatives – say 1,000 Trillion dollars!

Odds ‘n Sods:

Brownback is a Brown Coat! Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has signed a bill that re-legalizes permit-free concealed carry (aka “Constitutional Carry“) of guns. The law will take effect on July 1st, 2015. Commendably, Brownback was quoted as saying: “Responsible gun ownership – for protection and sport – is a right inherent in our Constitution.” Kudos to Governor Brownback. Kansas will join Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Vermont, and Wyoming as Constitutional Carry states. The legislatures in other states should take note and follow suit! (Idaho and Montana are presently ripe candidates.) – JWR o o o Common Core Education: The Insane Bottom …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.” John 18:4-6 (KJV)

Notes for Saturday – April 04, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

A Story of Caution in Today’s Police State, by Lebannen

I have always supported our troops and our first responders. Down deep inside of my conscious, I honestly feel that serving is the greatest form of community involvement. As a fourth generation Army veteran, this is something that I was not only raised to believe but I lived every day. The structure, the camaraderie, and the deep-seeded need to protect others led me to my next chapter– law enforcement. I eventually found myself applying for an agency in my home state. I applied and was accepted for my military experience, high academic standards, sharp appearance, and life maturity; I entered …

Letter Re: The Mark of the Beast and Prepping

Hugh, Yet another person is comparing biometric access to the Biblical Mark of the Beast (MOB). I’m not sure why people are so quick to link any kind of implanted device, RFID, or biometric access to the MOB, but I am fairly certain these people have not actually read the Bible or the associated prophecies: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10 “He causes …