Economics and Investing:

Peter Schiff: “It is going to be a QE buffet. In fact, it will end up being an all-you-can-eat buffet, but that’s all the Fed has on its menu.” o o o America’s job divide: Young vs. old. – H.L. o o o The new American retirement plan equates to working forever: Nonexistent nest eggs and most Americans are bad at planning as to how long they will live. o o o Shell Betting Its Future On LNG

Odds ‘n Sods:

*Update* Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ? – Walter Scott Shooting: Enhanced Video Shows Officer Slager With Taser Darts… – T.P. o o o Interesting pictures from Israel as the Passover ends. o o o Life insurance discount comes with a high price for your privacy. – D.S. o o o In a cameras-everywhere culture, science fiction becomes reality. – D.S. o o o More Than 10 Things You Can Start Doing Now to Prepare to ‘Survive,’ According to Delta Force Sgt. Major (Ret.). – G.L.

Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game! – Part 3 of 9, by Pat Cascio

[Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game is a Survivalblog exclusive.] Chapter One HAND-TO-HAND With a few exceptions, it takes years and years of training to become proficient at defending yourself with nothing but your bare hands and feet. The “average” person on the street isn’t prepared to undertake this sort of lengthy and time-consuming training process. So, what are the options? I’ve been involved in the martial arts for close to 30 years, now. If there are any shortcuts or secrets, I sure haven’t discovered them. I’m continually amazed at the number of people who come to me for …

Letter Re: Solar Well Pump

HJL, I agree with GL, the Grundfos SQF line of off-grid well pumps are superior products. My well is using the 11-SQF-2 pump. The correct operating voltage range is 30-300 VDC or 90-240 VAC @ 50/60 Hz. Maximum current draw of this set of pump products is 8.4 amps, regardless of input voltage. The pump contains an MPPT power controller. Oh, these are NOT inexpensive pumps. Note, if you are supplying less than 120 volts, the GPM of the pump must be down-rated. This is important when running from solar panels but even more so when running from batteries. See …

Economics and Investing:

Video: Ann Barnhardt exposes the blatant fraud in US financial markets, the IRS scandal, the financial enslavement of the American people, and whether Obama is conspiring to collapse our economy! o o o Why Another Great Stock Market Crash Is Coming o o o The mega Chinese stock market bubble: Over half of new investors only have a junior high education or less and the Shanghai Composite is up 100 percent in one year. o o o Citi Economist Says It Might Be Time to Abolish Cash

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eighth Grader Charged With Felony Cybercrime For Changing Teacher’s Desktop Wallpaper. Whatever happened to a teacher explaining to a child why this was wrong, that the computer is NOT his property (I remember my parents explaining PROPERTY RIGHTS to me before I even went to school), and calling his parents and all of them sitting down and explaining this to the child! Another clueless teacher! – H.L. o o o I don’t recall seeing anything about this in news from the American Redoubt. Wyoming Governor Vetos Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill Meanwhile down in New Mexico they got it right, and …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.” Mark 9:2-4 (KJV)

Notes for Saturday – April 11, 2015

April 11th is the birthday of John Milius, who was born in 1944. He both wrote the screenplays and directed the films Dillinger, The Wind and the Lion, Big Wednesday, Conan the Barbarian, Red Dawn, Farewell to the King, and Flight of the Intruder. He also wrote the screenplays of the first two Dirty Harry movies as well as the first draft of the screenplay for Patton (before Francis Ford Coppola turned it into a vaguely anti-war commentary laced with references to reincarnation). Milius is JWR’s favorite Hollywood writer and director, in part because he stands for everything that Hollywood …

The 100-Year Geomagnetic Storm and The Electric Grid – Part 2, by Tango Delta

Defense Strategies If you’re not ready for TEOTWAWKI, you’re probably asking, “Can’t we do something to keep the grid from going down?” The answer is “yes”. There are two approaches– early warning and hardening of equipment. In theory, early warning relies on the ACE and DSCOVR satellites, located one million miles from the earth, to measure the intensity and polarity of a storm and then issue warnings, which utilities would use to take steps to protect their equipment. In reality, large storms are too fast, allowing maybe 15 minutes of warning. Nuclear plants are supposed to be in “cold shutdown” …

Letter Re: Strike-anywhere Matches

HJL, I have just a quick follow-up to the recent Odds & Sods note about how bad current Strike Anywhere matches have become. Instructables has directions for making your own. HJL responds: Given the scarcity of Strike Anywhere matches where I live (and the poor quality), I’m inclined to try this. If anyone else does, make sure you follow reasonable safety precautions, including ventilation. Given that you are working with wet materials, the danger should be minimal in all aspects except the removal of the phosphorus from the box. Remember that phosphorus is toxic; you should minimize contact with your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Officer Feared for His Life, so He Shot & Killed This Family’s Tiny Miniature Pig. – H.L. o o o Video: Bill Whittle – Take Them at Their Word. – M.H. o o o Doctors Say Tick Borne ‘Powassan Virus’ Is Worse Than Lyme Disease. – T.P. o o o Video: Obama’s EPA making California drought crisis worse? – M.F. o o o Kuwait Reintroduces Compulsory Military Service For Citizens. – H.L.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them, and came down from offering of the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and peace offerings. And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people. And there came a fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces.” Leviticus 9:22-24 (KJV)