Odds ‘n Sods:

The Death of the Left. – H.L. o o o Car thieves’ scary new tool. – D.S. HJL Adds: While the article on the dangers of new technology was interesting, I found the link to the video of the scythe-vs-weed whacker at the end of the article to be incredibly amazing. o o o This New Libertarian Micronation Might Just Be Crazy Enough to Work. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader L.B. has recommended the OneYardRevolution channel on YouTube. Its focus is on frugal and sustainable organic gardening. In particular, L.B. likes that he doesn’t waste your time by …

Notes for Sunday – April 19, 2015

April 19th marks the multiple anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World”. This first battle, leading to our nation’s independence, was the then-dictator’s (United Kingdom King George III’s) FAILED attempt at “gun control”– an act being carried out in too many parts of our USA RIGHT NOW. This first gun control of the colonies was a failure, because of the will and determination of a small part of the population (about 3% actually fought for our independence actively, with many others supporting) to stand up to an oppressive, controlling government (England). …

Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game! – Part 4 of 9, by Pat Cascio

[Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game is a SurvivalBlog exclusive.] Chapter Two DIRTY FIGHTING TECHNIQUES Growing up, most of us have witnessed school yard fights. These usually amounted to a shoving or wrestling match. However, every once in a while, things got serious and punches flew. In some instances, one opponent will do something “dirty” to win the battle. In the eyes of school children, this is a “no-no”. In real-life, it’s another story. Remember, this is Street Combat – This Ain’t No Game. Also, as mentioned in the last chapter, there is no “second place winner” in this …

Letter: Posse Comitatus Won’t Save You From The U.S. Military

HJL, The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 (Pub. L. 18 USC P 1385) was supposed to keep the U.S. Military from enforcing local and federal law, or assisting local law enforcement in that duty. Well before the Posse Comitatus Act was passed, Congress passed the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Pub. L. 10 USC 331 thru 335), which was a “set of laws that govern the ability of the President to deploy U.S. troops on American soil.” Such deployment could only come at the request of a governor of the state in which an event was taking place requiring a larger …

Economics and Investing:

IRS Budget Cuts: Tax Administration v. Tax Handouts – PLC o o o Most new US jobs are in vulnerable industries — food, drink, office temp, transactional stuff like banking, etc. — and it’s hard to see where tomorrow’s debt service payments will come from. o o o Wal-Mart’s ex-CEO Mike Duke joins private equity firm Carlyle. – RBS o o o THE U.S. GOLD MARKET: Completely Insane o o o Meet the latest country with negative interest rates. – S.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama admin’s “mental defective” gun ban list ensnares mostly military veterans. – D.S. o o o Video: Make a Survival Still for Drinkable Water (improved design). – RBS o o o Images from Texas-Mexico border capture illegal immigrants sneaking into the US. – B.B. o o o Tension Between BLM and Mining Operation, Oath Keepers Set Up Camp. – C.T. o o o The end of the license plate. – G.P.

Notes for Saturday – April 18, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

The Reluctant Prepper, by M.R.

Most of us, “preppers”, know that all our time, money, and hard work will only pay off if we are able to keep, use, and protect what we have. My prepping beginnings came in a somewhat odd way. It began with a small kit to keep in my SUV after following a major news story here in the Pacific northwest about a family from California who got lost in the backwoods while trying to drive from California to Oregon using back roads in the dead of winter. Slowly as the pieces were put together it was learned that the family– …

Letter Re: Strike Anywhere Matches

HJL, With all this talk about Strike Anywhere matches, I have to point out the obvious– that’s old technology. If you want to start a fire (anywhere), use a Benzomatic self-igniting torch. Various models are available at big box stores for between $24.97 and $42.97. I’ve used one to start our wood fireplace for about five years before I had to switch out the gas cylinder. You can set soaking wet wood on fire with one. – G.G. HJL Replies: I can see the benefits of using such a device from the home or vehicle. However, when backpacking, it’s tough …

Economics and Investing:

One of our largest firms involved in oil extraction! Schlumberger slashes 11,000 jobs. – H.L. o o o Why even high earners are struggling to save. – G.G. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: “We’re All Frogs In Boiling Water” Santelli Says After Lacy Hunt Warns “This Is Far From Over” Is May 9 The Grexit Date? – Interesting Take Stocks Slammed – Dow Tumbles 350 Points Into Red Year-To-Date US Rig Count Drops For Record 19th Week In A Row

Odds ‘n Sods:

Conspiracy Theorists, Bloggers Compared To ISIS During Congressional Hearing. – H.L. o o o Your car’s hidden ‘black box’ and how to keep it private. – JBG o o o ‘Intelligent’ Streetlights to ‘Watch’ Florida Residents. – G.P. HJL notes: Currently, this implementation is rather benign, but the company already lists the technology on their web site for a much more Orwellian experience. o o o Dry Wells Plague California as Drought Has Water Tables Plunging 1800′ wells for water! – P.S. o o o Video: Make Your Own $7 Ultimate Bushcraft Axe. – RBS

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest: who shall offer it before the Lord, and make an atonement for her” Leviticus 12:6&7a (KJV)

Notes for Friday – April 17, 2015

On April 17, 1961, about 1,500 CIA-trained Cuban exiles launched the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro. Due to the Cuba/Soviet intelligence network as well as loose talk by members of the brigade, which was repeated in U.S. and foreign newspaper reports, the Cuban government knew, in advance, of the planned invasion. The Washington Post also reported that the Soviets knew the exact date of the attack, that the CIA was aware that they knew, and that the CIA did not inform president Kennedy. o o o Today, …