Notes for Tuesday – May 05, 2015

May 5th is the birthday of Pat Frank (1908-1964). This was the pen name of newspaper journalist Harry Hart Frank. His novel Alas, Babylon is a survivalist classic. His personal life was marred by alcoholism, but his writing is admired and still surprisingly popular, today. (Alas, Babylon is still in print, after more than 50 years!) As an homage to Pat Frank, one of the settings in JWR’s novel Expatriates is Mt. Dora, Florida, which was fictionalized by Pat Frank as Fort Repose in Alas, Babylon. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 58 of the SurvivalBlog …

Watchman Fatigue – Part 1, by J.P.

If you’ve been at the tasks of continually surveying the landscape, monitoring changes in our country, calculating family needs for the coming months or years, spending 95% of your discretionary funds on dried vegetables and wool socks, encouraging anyone close to you to heed the warnings, and wondering if it’s your last time to hear the national anthem, then you can identify with my sense of being tired with it all. Yes, I’m tired beyond fatigue. Worse yet, when I went back to the Bible to reexamine the teaching in regard to the task of a watchman, I discovered I’ve …

Letter Re: Google Almighty

HJL: Search with Google, the candidate “Scott Walker” and then use Duck Duck Go to search the same thing. When I did it, Google queued up 10 articles on him that were all negative. The Duck queued up 6 favorable articles with four negative articles. I’m not necessarily endorsing Mr. Walker, but he is a controversial figure, due to his anti-union measures, making him a good example of Google limiting not just what you see but what you should think. – RV

News From The American Redoubt:

The Conservative Christian Identification Act. Montana citizens should contact their legislators about this dangerous bill. o o o In the same week, Idaho had a Muslim-Turned-Christian Warn of the dangers radical Islam in Idaho and then had to hear about hundreds of Muslim refugees headed to Idaho. o o o Fake Boise lawyer to spend 21 days behind bars, pay back clients. – RBS o o o Snow Melt: ‘It’s about a month earlier than we would expect normally’ o o o Sam Culper (of and Forward Observer Magazine) will be teaching several Intelligence and Analysis courses in the …

Economics and Investing:

Silver and NASDAQ – Long, Medium and Short Trends o o o U.S. Sanctions & Saber Rattling Doesn’t Stop The U.S. From Importing Russian Petroleum o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Video: Peter Schiff – Will the Fed Run Out of Excuses as the Weather Warms? The Forecast That Nailed Q1 GDP Isn’t So Rosy on Q2 More Americans Spending at Least Half Their Pay on Housing

Odds ‘n Sods:

ISIS ‘claims responsibility’ after two gunmen ‘carrying explosives’ killed in attack on anti-Islam art contest near Dallas: Suspects are shot by cops and security guard is wounded at ‘draw Muhammad’ event that offered $10,000 prize. – JBG o o o Want a lawless police force? Federalize it.. – B.B. o o o One Man’s Message To Americans – “Start Giving A Damn!”. – B.B. o o o Medical equipment can be taken over and controlled remotely by hackers. – D.S. o o o Immigrants to U.S. From China Top Those From Mexico

Notes for Monday – May 04, 2015

On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on anti-war protesters at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others. Also on this day in 1994, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed an accord on Palestinian autonomy that granted self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho, creating what the world believed would be peace at last in the Middle East. Of course, the Palestinians, then as now, threw away the peace agreement and resumed hostilities towards Israel.

Scot’s Product Review: Quantum Harvest Model 120

This review is part of my continued exploration of backup power during disruptive times. Life without electricity, even for a few hours, is unpleasant and could even be life threatening. I was reflecting about this during our last Scouting campout as I saw how many battery-operated devices were in evidence. It was mostly flashlights, but there were also two-way radios for communications, cell phones for emergencies, and the like. We are supposed to leave entertainment gadgets behind, but I admit to having a book reader on most trips, and I keep copies of first aid guides and similar materials on …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Cold Steel’s Battle Shades

Whenever I teach a firearms class, I require my students to bring three things. One is a baseball cap to prevent hot brass from falling on their face, while the other two things are hearing protection and some type of eye protection. These last two things require no explanation, right? Wrong! Most students show-up for a training session with no eye protection, for some reason. I simply don’t understand this at all. Nevertheless, it happens, so I keep extra pairs of eye protection in my shooting box along with extra ear plugs for those who don’t think their hearing is …

Recipe of the Week: Chili in An Electric Crock Pot, by D.D.

We spend a lot of time talking about off-grid living, so I try to balance the endless chatter with gear tests. It’s better to learn now whether a clever scheme actually works when there is no consequence for failure. Cooking is a big deal and one that I’ve given much thought to, both here in my city house (bug in location) and at our secret lair in the base of an inactive volcano (bug out location). Solar cookers are fun but of limited OPSEC, and they only operate when the sun is out. I had it in my mind to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From our friends Frank and Fern: Winter of Our Demise o o o The IRS continues its abuses, despite claims to the contrary. IRS seizes rural convenience store owner’s career savings in another horrible abuse of civil forfeiture. – T.P. o o o Two suspects killed, officer injured after shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas. B.B. There also seem to be suggestions at this time that they were Islamist extremists and that they took credit before the attack via social media. o o o U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare – To destroy evil capitalism, of course. …