A Conversation with a TEOTWAWKI Survivor, by Rachel M.

It’s not every day I get the chance to visit with a TEOTWAWKI survivor – but when I do, I listen up. That opportunity presented itself yesterday, when I was privileged to interview Paul. An individual of small frame yet sizeable strength of mind and determination, Paul experienced the end of the world he knew and lived to help create a new one. Not only did he survive the collapse, but he proved to be a key leader and connector in his community as it struggled through the extended period of political upheaval, economic failure, widespread violence, and nefarious pillaging. …

Two Letters Re: Storing Whiskey For Barter

Mr. Rawles, The letter from Tom R. raised the question of stockpiling alcohol for trade.  While I have no moral opposition to alcohol consumption, and even keep a stock of wine and spirits for my own use, there are some practical drawbacks to stocking alcohol for barter.   First, unless a person has unlimited funds and storage space, it seems foolhardy to stock quantities of items which will not be used or consumed (precious metals excepted) in the normal course of daily post-SHTF activities.   A more rational course of action would be to stock quantities that would be used within the …

Economics and Investing:

The Twenty First Century Abolitionist Project: Slavery and Taxation by Bill Buppert John Mauldin: The Same People Who Brought Us The Great Financial Crisis Have Created A Dangerous New Paradigm: The Arsonists Are Running The Fire Brigade Puerto Rico, with at least $70 billion in debt, confronts a rising economic misery Items from The Economatrix: Wow – The Holiday Shopping Season Is Off To A Horrible Start The Average American Is Broke And Buying Things They Cannot Afford With Debt Again. Debt Based Consumer Financing Again Filling The Gap Of A Shrinking Middle Class. 15 Signs That We Are Near …

Odds ‘n Sods:

PrepperPress has kindly expanded their book giveaway for the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest to 24 books with the addition of the latest novel in Joe Nobody’s Holding Their Own series. (Volume VI: Bishop’s Song.)    o o o Brad S. suggested this: Allen West: EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control    o o o Camping Survival is continuing their Mountain House storage food sale which ends December 8th. They are offering 25% off cases of #10 cans, 25% off cases of retort pouches and 15% off buckets. The sale is for full cases only.  They are only selling stock on hand, but …