The Survivalist Mindset: A Biblical Case for Preparedness and Self-Defense, by Brian D.

One of the first and most important steps in successfully being prepared is having the appropriate mindset to do so.  This being the case, it is important that each person reconcile their Christian convictions with their convictions regarding preparedness and self-defense, resulting in their being of a single mind.  It is only in resolving these beliefs that a person can be effective in choosing to act one way or the other in a time of crisis.  Many people of Christian faith and even those who do not share a faith in Jesus Christ, question if the practice of preparedness and/or …

The Adventures and Misadventures of the Newbie Texas Prepper, by Patty H.

Well I must say after prayer and a heart to heart with the Almighty and many undisputable news about our economy I have felt the need to start prepping.  Oh and where to start? Wow was I ever overwhelmed at the prospect of starting prepping for an economic collapse or other unfortunate event. First, telling the hubby. I got laughed at. Yes, I was down. But I found, where I got started with baby steps. So off to the grocery store I went. I started a little bit at a time, buying rice and canned items on sale.  Then …

Letter Re: A Digest of The Best of SurvivalBlog

Dear Mr. Rawles, I am the owner of a small (but growing) family emergency preparedness web site, I thought you might be interested in a web page I’ve been keeping updated for some time now that lists my selections for the Best Posts. The page includes well over 400 links! I figured it might be useful to your new readers and help my readership as well. I do appreciate your time and all that you do for us. Thank you, – D.B.

Letter Re: Residential OPSEC With Utility Workers

The article about OPSEC with utility workers reminded me of some of the deterrents listed in the book, Secrets of a Superthief by John MacLean. The author was a very successful thief until he violated one of his own rules and was caught. In his book he details what vulnerabilities he looked for in a victim, and how he performed his thefts. Chances are you have taken precautions but reading his book will real to you the chinks in your armor. The book leaves you feeling vulnerable, and is a wake-up call to fortifying your defenses against theft or unlawful …

Economics and Investing:

Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul: Gold Prices: Brace For Bizarre QE3 Hail Mary and Hyperinflation Gold to Hit $2000 on Fed Easing: Merrill John Embry – Hang On Because The Chaos is Going to Accelerate Jim Rogers: Duck and Cover, Your Cash Is NOT Safe; Buy Physical Gold Where are the markets heading? The chartists are uncertain. (JWR’s Comment: It is difficult to predict manipulated markets. In the era of Quantitative Easing (monetization), ALL markets are manipulated to some extent.) Items from The Economatrix: We Are Near An Epic Collapse In Confidence Higher US Unemployment In A Year:  Pimco’s Bill …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The editors of have been posting for six months now. There are some interesting insights, so be sure to go check it out.    o o o Reader P.D. sent this, by way of the SurvivalAcres web site: Mountain House has issued a press release that details the difference in residual oxygen levels in their packages versus those of a competitor. Facts are facts.    o o o Speaking of Mountain House, the unprecedented contemporaneous deep discount sales on Mountain House freeze dried foods in #10 cans by Safecastle and Ready Made Resources both end on July 18th. Order …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due …

Notes from JWR:

To the many folks who have asked: We are still sold out of banner advertising space on SurvivalBlog, and have more than 30 companies on the waiting list. This equates to at least a three year wait, since few of our advertisers ever leave. The good news is that very inexpensive ad space is available at our spin-off web site: — Today we present another two entries for Round 41 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate …

Preparing Your Body and Your Mind, by H.F.

So you are a prepper?  You might be just getting started or you might be stockpiled for armageddon.  Regardless of what stage you are at, most preppers compile lists of equipment they foresee needing and as sources such as point out, prepping is not just about stuff, but rather skills too.  Skills and gear will undoubtedly be vital in any unfortunate circumstances mankind might face.  However, a seriously overlooked aspect of being prepared (and an inexpensive one) is fitness; overall wellness and physical/mental fitness.  If you are not able to use your gear and skills due to being weak …

Learn a Little by Taking a Walk, by Bill H.

I am a pretty avid reader of the site. I also follow many of the other sites on prepping and survival that are out there. After a few months, it becomes pretty obvious which sites lean towards sensationalism, conspiracy theories, couch prepping, and even sales and marketing. The problem lies in the fact that with the mainstream media is piling onto the prepping bandwagon and this increases the amount of information available. Some of the information available today is of little use and some of it is outright dangerous. With that in mind, I will make the suggestion that …

Letter Re: Advice on Elective Surgery

Sir: A few  years ago I found I had cataracts in both eyes.  Not too bad — I could still see to drive and shoot — but enough that open sights became more difficult and oncoming headlights a bit of a problem at night.  Slowly they got worse, until I was 20/80 in my left eye and not much better on the right (shooting!) side.  Like many folks I am reluctant to get treatment until it’s absolutely necessary.  I put it off, in part because getting the new flexible lenses cost $2,500 more per eye than insurance would pay.  Finally I realized that …

Letter Re: Avoid Becoming a Refugee

Hi Jim; To tie in with your recent comments, the excellent Western Rifle Shooters blog linked to an article on refugees. Though the article was brief, it had some good information. While the goal is to never become a refugee in the first place, in some cases it cannot be avoided and it pays to know what to do in such a case. I was particularly inspired by the links to some “off-road” gear carriers. The first is a home-built model and is quite simple while the other is a German-engineered commercial model. I have given a good bit of …

Letter Re: American Ingenuity–Oil Filters for Firearms Suppressors

Good Day, Mister Rawles. Thank you as always for the good work you do. I was trawling around on the interwebs and came across this DIY suppressor solution. This may be old news to some but for everyone living in nations where suppressors are banned (or far too heavily regulated) then this is absolutely vital viewing. The fitting displayed is what would be registered as the suppressor in this instance, but I can think of a few particular plumbing fittings at the local hardware store that I might be needing in the near future. For home renovations of course… Kind …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. flagged this: Bank’s idea for tackling the financial crisis: six bicycles. The article begins: “The Bank of England considered buying bicycles so that its officials could continue to move around in the event of a full-scale financial meltdown, the former City minister disclosed last night.” San Bernardino seeks bankruptcy protection: San Bernardino, facing the possibility of missing payroll, becomes California’s third city in weeks to authorize a bankruptcy filing. FHA bailout inches closer – FHA defaults surge 26 percent while upping mortgage insurance premiums to make loans more expensive. Foreclosure starts outnumber foreclosure sales 3 to 1. RBS sent …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More evidence of the mainstream’s acceptance of survivalism (or at least “prepping”): the National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) is offering this class: Survival of Societal Collapse    o o o Part of Cody (Wranglerstar)’s new do-it-yourself video shorts series: Leatherman Wave Secret Function Revealed. This is a great series.    o o o New reporter? Call him Al, for algorithm.    o o o The commander of the military’s new U.S. Cyber Command said digital attacks are evolving from disrupting network functions to destructive strikes.    o o o Loose Lips Sink Ships. Here is some quite good OPSEC …