Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. flagged this: The world’s first 3D-printed gun. (This technology proves the futility of any further statist dreams of effective “gun control.” The djinn has escaped the bottle.)    o o o Sticking to their guns: Marines place $22.5M order for the Colt .45 M1911.    o o o One to add to your toolbox: Sugru is a new air-curing rubber that can be formed by hand. It bonds to most materials and turns into a strong, flexible silicone rubber overnight.    o o o 370 million without power in India. (Thanks to Mitch K. for the link.)

Notes from JWR:

For a new hardback edition, I’ve been asked by Ulysses Press to create a new Revised Edition of my novel Patriots. This new edition should be published in October, 2012. Eventually there will be three hard copy formats: a hardback book, a trade paperback, and a mass market paperback. This new edition is the opportunity for me to correct some anachronistic errors that have developed over the 21 year life of the novel. (I wrote the first draft in the winter of 1990-1991.) For example, I’ve changed Doug Carlton’s father from a Vietnam veteran to a Desert Storm veteran. And …

C.J.’s Book Review: Long Term Survival in the Coming Dark Age, by James Ballou

I had long been interested in buying Mr. Ballou’s book Long-Term Survival In The Coming Dark Age: Preparing to Live after Society Crumbles. He has several compelling titles out there about survival skills. I selected  this one because the cover caught my eye: a Foreword by Ragnar Benson. For those who don’t know this author, he has written many excellent books on the subject of Survival and Preparedness. He is considered one of the originals along with Mel Tappan, and Kurt Saxon who were among the main Survivalist writers  in the 1970s.  Benson also often disagrees with his contemporaries, making …

L.W.’s Book Review: World Radio TV Handbook

The World Radio TV Handbook (“WRTH”) is a large annual handbook that contains a comprehensive directory of radio and television broadcasting stations worldwide. It also includes articles, technical reviews and commentaries about many aspects of shortwave listening, DX (long distance) chasing, and selection of suitable radio receivers. Revised and published annually, the reader is assured that the information contained therein is fresh and accurate. (I did my review based on the 2011 edition.) Anyone who has listened to a shortwave radio will know that it is often difficult to determine the identity of the station as it is being heard. …

Letter Re: Maintain The Tool: Weight Control and Preparedness

James Wesley: The article by N.H. about weight loss was pretty accurate. The only problem is the recommendations. That is, following the US dietary guidelines. I don;t recommend that. To make a long story short, study up on the “paleo” way of eating and exercise. Six years ago I cured my growing blood sugar problem and lost 30 lbs in 4 months. I’ve maintained that ever since then. I fear that a lot of “preppers” are fat and out of shape because they eat what they store, that is, they consume lots of wheat and vegetable oils because they store …

Recipe of the Week:

Marie’s Zucchini Ratatouille 2 TBS olive oil 1 large zucchini squash, sliced in half lengthwise and then into semicircles 1 medium onion, sliced 2 TBS minced garlic (fresh or reconstituted dried flakes) Heat oil at 400 degrees in an electric skillet and add squash, onion and garlic. Saute for about 15 minutes until zucchini slices start to brown. Add: 1 TBS chopped herbs: basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme are best. Add 2 Roma tomatoes, cut in wedges and saute an additional 5 minutes until tomatoes are soft Chef’s Notes: We served it over leftover tuna/rice casserole (not at all French!) and …

Economics and Investing:

J.N. suggested this over at Zero Hedge: $10 Trillion M2 Is Now In The Rearview Mirror. So the aggregate money supply has been expanded from $4 trillion to $10 trillion in less than 12 years. So it is no wonder gasoline and milk are both over $3 per gallon. Martin Armstrong: Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the Risk of Civil Unrest is Rising Exponentially and Why We Will See The Rise of a Third Political Party Items from The Economatrix: Earnings Show Recession May Be “Fast Approaching” Growth In U.S. Slows As Consumers Restrain Spending First Year of U.S. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pierre M. sent this: Rise in Weather Extremes Threatens Infrastructure. Here is a key quote: “Some utilities are re-examining long-held views on the economics of protecting against the weather. Pepco, the utility serving the area around Washington, has repeatedly studied the idea of burying more power lines, and the company and its regulators have always decided that the cost outweighed the benefit. But the company has had five storms in the last two and a half years for which recovery took at least five days, and after the derecho last month, the consensus has changed. Both the District of Columbia …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as ‘bad luck.’” – Robert A. Heinlein

Notes from JWR:

Today marks the birthday of Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville (born 29 July 1805.) He is remembered as the author of the seminal study Democracy in America. — Today we present another two entries for Round 41 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases …

The ABCs of Trauma, by Dr. Mountaintop

I spent a number of years doing trauma surgery in several Level 1 NYC hospitals, and I’d like to share some thoughts. I don’t usually like to give advice – it’s not my custom to tell another man or woman what to do. So please take this for what it’s worth – my experience and thoughts – and do with it whatever seems best to you. DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed physician. However, this is not medical advice. For any Johnny-Rambo’s out there, if you need medical assistance, please pick up the phone. This is for when there is no …

Maintain The Tool: Weight Control and Preparedness, by N.H.

I’m an average, middle-aged guy: happily married, devoted father; active member of my community and church; and am blessed to have a good job that I enjoy.  I’ve been prepping for about 15 years and, despite a tendency to tinker with our plans, am well-prepped.  But, I’m now worrying about our plans.  I didn’t worry about them before but, late last October, I started to worry.  A lot.  This is why: Our Survival Group tries to get together regularly to practice and train, but, we hadn’t done a Group Practice (GP) for a couple of years.  This past October we …

Letter Re: How to Make an Old-Fashioned Utility Quilt

Hello James, We had a hurricane watch here in Long Island, New York today, and I raced home with my kids relaxed, knowing we had food and water for a month minimum. That is because of your blog.  I was thrilled to read Jean’s article on how to make a quilt. My mother is a master quilter. I am writing to let people know that dryer lint is an excellent quilt filler. If you hang you out your clothes, terrific! But if you use a dryer, do what I do, and put your dryer lint aside in a bag. You …

Economics and Investing:

Reader C.S. wrote to note that Smith & Wesson stock was up 214% in the past 12 months. Well, at least BHO can say that he personally revitalized one sector of the economy. White House projects $1.2 trillion deficit, lower economic growth in 2012. (Thanks to SurvivalBlog’s G.G., for the link.) At least three banks seen central to Libor rigging Items from The Economatrix: Gold And Silver in Deflation Mainstream Media Recovery Hoax Oil Trades Near Week High On Euro Pledge, US Economic Outlook Jim Sinclair:  The System Here And There Is Totally Broken