Economics and Investing:

Here comes more monetization: Fed Undertakes QE3 With $40 Billion Monthly MBS Purchases. JWR’s Comment: Oh great, Mortgage Backed Securities derivatives. Your tax dollars at work, buying up dodgy debt. Reader G.A.H. was the first of several readers to mention an interesting parallel to the opening chapter of my first novel, Patriots: Germany Says ‘Great Uncertainty’ About US Debt. Here is the proverbial “life imitates art” quote: “German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble questioned on Tuesday how the United States could deal with its high levels of government debt after November’s presidential election. In private, German officials often express concern about …

Odds ‘n Sods:

News from Korea: New Swine Flu Virus Shows Lethal Signs. (A hat tip to Tim P. for the link.)    o o o H.L. suggested this at The Daily Crux: How to grow an inconspicuous garden… no matter where you live    o o o Ready Made Resources is having a special on genuine full mil-spec AN/PVS-14 Gen 3+ night vision scopes. For a limited time they are offering these “grade A” scopes with a free Picatinny rail weapons mount, free shutter eyepiece and free shipping. As usual, these include aa head mount and carry case . These have a …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“If you want to be safe in life, move to places that the government can’t be bothered to provide you help in. These places tend to be clean, safe, prosperous, healthy and sane. At least until the government finds out that evil monoculturalists are trying to live this way without them. They insist that areas like this undergo improvamentation as soon as they can afford to get to them.” – Texas Arcane

Notes from JWR:

September 13th is the birthday of Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the fledgling nation of South Sudan. Kiir was born in 1951. Please pray for President Kiir and for the people of South Sudan. — Today we present another two entries for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day …

Learning About Food Safety, by Tom T.

I have heard many preppers talk of the massive food supply that they have.  Some have months supply.  While others have a year plus of food.  All of this food will do no good if it isn’t prepared safely.  I have been in the food industry for twenty plus years.  In that time we have all seen the news of the mass explosion of food borne illnesses.  We have seen the recalls of thousands of pounds of beef and the closure of several chains of restaurants.  In a SHTF scenario I doubt we will be living in the best of …

Lessons From Storms At Sea, by Richard S.

I spent nearly ten years in the Coast Guard and the US Navy before injuries suffered in the line of duty forced my retirement, this is but one experience in my life that forced me to be a better man and come to grips with the fragile mortality of man and just how precious the gift of life really is. These are the teachings that have prepared me for what is coming. The horizon darkens more every day and the storm approaches. Are we prepared for the coming storm, can we weather it out. I live on 80 acres in south …

Four Letters Re: Why I Hate Preppers

James, Allen is right on about “arm chair” preppers. Many folks out there only talk the talk, without taking the walk.   Like Allen, I did not marry until my mid-40s also agreeing to live near a small community. The drive to my retreat is 42 miles to a fairly rural farm area when I grew up. My wife supports me wholeheartedly in this effort including participating where she can in learning new skills.   Over the last 8 years, I have been re-learning many of my boyhood skills critical to a rural lifestyle. It is amazing how much a …

Letter Re: Prepping with Fangs: Dogs for a Survivalist

Dear JWR: I have read the previous thoughts on this and I see someone has mentioned several different breeds. I would like to add for those considering a dog to also consider Great Pyrenees. These dogs have the very thick double coats that protect them from attacks, are well known for their ability to take down bears and mountain lions when kept in packs, and are some of the best herd dogs on Earth. If you are wanting to breed them you will have to get the dogs about two years before you are expecting to have pups as generally …

Economics and Investing:

Reader and loyal content contributor F.J. recommended this: When, Not If, Inflation Returns K.P. liked this article: Real Wealth, Gold, and Why Government May Want You on Food Stamps Peter Schiff: The Only Way To Fix The Economy Is To Let It Fail Items from The Economatrix: The Canadian Housing Bubble Nears Implosion Jobs Data Show US Factories Bearing Brunt of Slowdown S&P 500 Rallies to Highest Since 2008 on Stimulus Bets Miss In U.S. Payrolls Spurs Talk of New Fed Stimulus

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) mentioned: Slingshots in the Roman Empire? (Joerg is still experimenting.)    o o o Reader F.J. sent this grim prediction: Complex Systems Theorists Predict We’re About One Year From Global Food Riots    o o o K.A.F. suggested this British television series: The Wartime Kitchen & Garden    o o o H.L. liked the 52 weeks of preparedness lessons provided by

Note from JWR:

Today we present another two entries for Round 42 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for …

Why I Hate Preppers, by Allen C.

I may as well go ahead and apologize to anyone who is already offended by my title without apologizing for offending you.  I do not actually hate preppers.  I’m just fed up with them.  While I’m at it I may as well apologize for generalizing.  I don’t like putting labels on anyone any more than I like being labeled, but it is necessary to generalize in this case so if you consider yourself in one group, but the other better describes you then I accept that in advance.  If it sounds like I apologize a lot it is because I …

Remember the Little Things, by Bear

This is not your typical “How To… for Survival” or “Best Gear for Survival” blog article. Instead, I am asking you the reader, to read this with an open mind. This is much more than that and I believe it will be the difference between you surviving… and not. Nothing can take away from the importance of being prepared. Nor can the necessity of training and practicing certain survival skills be trivialized. Preparedness and practice are a couple of necessities of survival. But there is more to life than just surviving. the famous psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl, summed it up best …

Letter Re: Training Combatives: The How, What and Why of Acquiring Hand-to-Hand Skills

Hi Mr. Rawles, I’m a seasoned martial artist and self-defense instructor.  I teach Western Boxing, Jeet Kune Do (Concepts), Kali, Submission Grappling (mainly Sambo and Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), and mixed martial arts (MMA. ) I regularly instruct law enforcement officers and military personnel who go into harm’s way.  I agree with much of what Legionnaire wrote, but must take exception to his statement that most fights go to the ground.  This is a myth that has been bandied about since the early days of the UFC, and the only notable support for this assertion is a “use-of-force” study conducted by …