Letter Re: More About Duty to Inform Laws for CCW Holders

Mr. Rawles- The following appears in the 10/6/12 “Odds ‘n Sods” section: “Do you carry concealed and/or in your car?Be aware of “Must Inform Officer” state laws . (No such laws in any of the American Redoubt states, where the gendarmes all rightly assume that most of the vehicles they pull over will contain at least one loaded gun.)” The linked text goes to an image which is at least misleading for at least one state – Minnesota. (I suspect this is true for other states but I am not as familiar with the laws of the other 49…) While …

Economics and Investing:

Those pesky derivatives: Task force slaps MBS-related charges against more banks The Other B.B. suggested this interview: Kyle Bass On The Federal Budget: “I Don’t Know How To Fix This”. Not surprisingly, Bass recommends getting out of dollars and into productive tangible assets. Real Homes of Genius – Silver Lake back in action with 4 garage duplex. Raging gas prices and luring in the next round of dreamers. At Forbes: Managing The Risks Of A Globalized Supply Chain Items from The Economatrix: Last Housing Crash Is Not Even Over But Bernanke As Set The Stage For The Next One Bill …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader H.L. sent: Winter Forecast: Not Mild, But Wild for Eastern U.S. It looks like a winter of drought for the Redoubt.    o o o Signs of the times: You won’t be able to get your movie made until it’s Islamopproved by the appointed cleric. The Hollyweird crowd only rarely asks for the opinion of Christians before making movies that might be offensive. But of course modern day Christians don’t have a reputation for beheading people that they consider blasphemers, like the Moslems do. We just suffer in silence, even when the name of Christ is repeatedly attacked. We …

Notes from JWR:

Happy Birthday to science fiction author David Brin. (Born October 6,1950.) He wrote The Postman, a great novel that was later loosely adapted into a passable movie by Kevin Costner. — Today we present another entry for Round 43 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and …

Guarding Your Mental and Emotional Health, by C.T.M.

One aspect of our lives that can take us out and render even the most prepared of preppers useless is our mental health. Very few people have ever experienced a long duration high stress environment to test their mental strength. The incredible men and women of the military may be among the elite few who can attest to how their mental health might survive in a post TEOTWAWKI environment. Police, first responders, EMS personnel, and firefighters may have a glimpse into what it takes to survive mentally in high stress environments; however, those stressful events, even the most complicated are …

Two Letters Re: Grow Your Own Nutrient Dense Fruits and Vegetables

James, You are correct about the risks of only using a wood mulch in gardening.  In his book Gardening When It Counts, Steve Solomon discusses the normal carbon/nitrogen ratio in soil — 12:1 — and compares that to various fertilizers.  Woody products such as tree bark can have C/N ratios in excess of 100:1, causing "nitrogen robbing": the nitrogen already in the soil is retained by soil microbes until the wood decomposes and the excess carbon is burnt off, leaving even less nitrogen for the plants in the meantime.  As you mention, it can take years for wood to decompose, leaving the …

Economics and Investing:

Why Ben Bernanke Is Setting The Stage For Another Housing Crash   How QE3 and Higher Inflation Are Part of The Fed’s Master Plan 15 minutes of fun: CNBC: Jim Rogers vs. Marc Faber Items from The Economatrix: Gold Hits Record High In Euros And It’s Setting Up For Another Rally Top CEOs:  Fiscal Cliff Is Hurting Job Growth Fiscal Cliff Could Cost US Households An Extra US $3,446 In Taxes Bernanke Seeks Gains For Stocks In Push For Jobs Gold Fields Tells Miners To Pack And Go

Odds ‘n Sods:

R.B.S. mentioned: Hay thefts and intentional intrusive grazing in New Mexico.    o o o Bob G. suggested: The Grey Man approach to personal protection    o o o Reader Joe K. spotted this: Emergency uses for Paracord    o o o Do you carry a gun openly? What are your legal rights during a police stop?    o o o Do you carry concealed and/or in your car? Be aware of “Must Inform Officer” state laws. (No such laws in any of the American Redoubt states, where the gendarmes all rightly assume that most of the vehicles they pull …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither [shall] fruit [be] in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and [there shall be] no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God [is] my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ [feet], and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” – Habakkuk 3: 17-19 …

Notes from JWR:

I heard from my publisher that my latest novel Founders hit #11 on the New York Times bestseller list. The book also landed at #20 on their hardcover and paperback combined list and #32 on their print and eBook combined list. — This is the birthday of Jonathan Edwards (born October 5, 1703, died March 22, 1758.) He was a prolific Calvinist theology writer. Many of his writings were later collected in the multi-volume book “The Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards”, edited by John Gerstner. Those excellent books are considered the benchmark for all other Bible commentaries, at least …

Why Firefighters are Some of the Best Preppers, by Shawn

I started prepping a few years back when I was in paramedic school.  I had no educated goal when prepping initially.  Then I met a good friend of mine that changed the way I look at prepping, and helped me make my prepping intentional.  I read Patriots and I started prepping all the more; now with motivation and intelligence.  When my friend reads this he will probably view this is as some form of Narcissism even though he falls into this category.  But I digress. I have been a full time firefighter for 5-1/2 years  I am currently a Paramedic, …

Letter Re: Grow Your Own Nutrient Dense Fruits and Vegetables

Dear James: Thank you for your wonderful blog – my husband and I are daily readers.  In response to C.F.B.’s excellent article dated September 30th titled Grow Your Own Nutrient Dense Fruits and Vegetables, I would like to expound on his suggestion that gardeners employ a no-till method for raising their own nutritious produce. I humbly suggest that your many readers watch a film on the Internet from a devout Christian man who has let the Lord lead him to his current no-till method of gardening, called Back To Eden.  I found it very interesting that this man felt called …

Economics and Investing:

Barter, anyone? For Spain’s Jobless, Time Equals Money. (Thanks to Kristina D. for the link.) Low Global Growth Is Worse Than Mega Sovereign Default: Slowdown Will Depress Corporate Earnings And Trigger Our Next Big Market Crash Rhonda T. sent: South African Economy Paralyzed As Miner Strike Spreads To Truck Drivers Items from The Economatrix: “You Better Look At Reality … And Understand What’s Coming Next 13 States Now Considering Gold And Silver As Money Why Your Money May Be At Risk After Bank Cyberattacks Water Prices Rise Sharply Across America; Double And Triple In Some Locales

Odds ‘n Sods:

Alex Jones: Elite Buying Underground Shelters in Record Numbers    o o o Safecastle’s last Mountain House sale of the year ends soon. The 25% discounts on many of the most popular #10-can entrees end on October 7th. OBTW, they also have Mountain House freeze dried strawberries at 33% off. And they also offer additional member incentives to Safecastle Royal club members. Order soon!    o o o For those who enjoy hilariously campy movies: Iron Sky has finally been released on DVD in the North American DVD format. Judging from the trailer, it looks like it was worth the …