Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The essence of ‘going Galt’ in any context is to challenge its ultimate implications by putting them into practice. That is: think through the implications of The System, from its fundamental premises and hypotheses all the way to their furthest stops, and then conduct yourself exactly according to their demands. Consider: Economically, in a System that excoriates creators, producers, and capitalists, it means going almost completely limp: making just enough money to sustain your life, but creating nothing from which others can derive a profit or make further advances. Many men have already chosen this course.” – Francis Porretto, in …

Notes From JWR:

Monday, May 28, 2012 is Memorial Day in the United States, the day set aside to honor our war dead. We are deeply indebted to them, and recognize their sacrifice. To the families of those who have fallen in combat, you are in our prayers. Personally, I have also been spending some time in prayer in remembrance of the sacrifices of our allied soldiers. — This past weekend, our server in Sweden was put under a “ping flood” Denial of Service (DOS) attack that at times resulted in 65% packet loss. The attack was timed for a three-day holiday weekend, …

DMSO: Pain Relief Without a Prescription?, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

A reader of SurvivalBlog wrote to ask whether dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is safe and effective for use in humans. The chemical is well-known in veterinary circles for its soothing effect on swollen, inflamed equine (horse) muscles.  But would it have the same effect on people?  Unrelieved pain is a great fear among survivalists and preppers.  Few have access to narcotics or anesthetics.  Wouldn’t be great if there were a readily available, safe and effective over-the-counter remedy?  That is the primary question with DMSO. What is DMSO anyway?  The chemical dimethyl sulfoxide is a potent solvent, produced as a by-product of …

Pat’s Product Review: Benchmade Adamas Folder

I still remember the very first Benchmade Knives folding knife I ever owned. I don’t remember which model it was, but I still remember at how “shocked” I was at the super high-quality of the knife. Without a doubt, it was every bit as well-made, if not, better made than custom folding knives I had seen. It continues to this day, Benchmade Knives are of the highest quality you’ll find. This comes as no accident, as I’ve toured the Benchmade factory a couple times, and I’ve seen what is involved in making their knives. To be sure, Benchmade even has …

Letter Re: Optimized Corn

Sir: The recent SurvivalBlog article recommending Painted Mountain Corn as a valuable addition to survival gardens, as well as the stirring article at Rocky Mountain Corn by “New Ordinance” entitled “The Secret Weapon,” encouraged me to purchase this amazing variety for planting this spring. I already raise the usual potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, squash, beans and a smattering of other vegetables and fruits, and wanted to add robust, non-GMO corn to help protect against crop failures and diversify the nutrition of my hobby-farm crops. For most of my life I’ve only eaten whole corn as boiled ears (with butter, y-e-s!) and …

Jon in Arizona’s Navy Bean and Ham Soup

I like to shop Costco, they offer a spiral sliced ham for about $20 which kept in the fridge has a very long storage period, however I have found that cooking the ham, and then dividing up serving portions in zip locks works great, the big treat for myself is to leave a portion of meat on the bone and freezing until ready to cook.   My recipe, requires a large crock pot, I unfreeze the ham bone with the residual meat, overnight I soak a large bag of navy beans per directions, I like to prepare the soup early a.m. by starting out putting  …

Economics and Investing:

Jim W. forwarded this link: Gerald Celente: EU Collapses In 90 Days, Bank Holiday and War B.B. sent this: Real Federal Deficit Dwarfs Official Tally Also from B.B.: Marc Faber: 100% Chance of Global Recession Three items from SurvivalBlog’s Poet Laureate, G.G.: 100 Million Americans Without Jobs Peter Schiff: The Housing Bust Was Just A Preview For The Coming Catastrophe Mogambo Editorial Genius (MEG) Items from The Economatrix: The Top Five Gold Commentators Google Trends Show Why The Status Quo “Powers That Be” Should Be Scared Why Gold Prices Could Be Going Below $1,430, And Possibly $1,390 May Consumer Sentiment …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Umatilla Chemical Depot transformation includes Red Cross supplies stored in igloos. (Thanks to J.S. for the link.)    o o o Some good news, mentioned over at Cheaper Than Dirt’s blog: Oklahoma Governor mary Fallin Signs Open Carry Law. The new law goes into effect on November 1, 2012.    o o o Hands-on Survival Medicine Classes taught by Dr. Cynthia Koelker (SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor) are now being calendared for the Summer of 2012. Topics covered include casting, suturing, medical labs without electricity, and treating both acute and chronic illnesses.    o o o These lighthouses are built stout, and might even …

Note From JWR:

Today is novelist Herman Wouk‘s 97th birthday. Congratulations and Shalom aleichem! — Today we present two more entries for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. …

A Secure Compound, Off Grid, by Steve R.

Listed below are mandatory needs, issues and items needed to successfully survive and weather any major natural disasters, deadly germ outbreaks, or government invasions such as martial law. This is a basic outline and your needs may differ according to location, elevation, and of course finances. Money is the root of all evil, but you will definitely need some to accomplish your survival goals. Land and water are virtually priceless. The first and foremost thing needed to build a survival compound is water and land. Land as far away from large cities is ideal. Either find a piece of land …

Couponing for TEOTWAWKI, by Lynn A.

Our priorities have changed as a family and we have morphed very quickly into a completely different mindset like our very lives depend it and they may. A year ago, if you would have told me that I would be preparing for what we all know is on its way, I would have gotten a great laugh out of it. Not that we didn’t have an inkling, it was just easier to ignore the threat .  The more my husband and I began to sit up and pay attention to our nation, the reality of what is happening in this …

Economics and Investing:

The UK is making contingency plans: Theresa May: we’ll stop migrants if euro collapses I missed seeing this lengthy interview when it was first posted back in January: Chris Hedges “Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over And The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying. Note that Hedges is a “Classical Liberal”–the only sort of liberal that I can really respect. Don’t miss his comments–about four minutes in–about what he calls a corporate coup d’état. Also see his comments on “Faux Liberals” and “Inverted Totalitarianism” starting at around 11:30. While I don’t agree with everything Hedges espouses (since I advocate …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ed O. mentioned that readers in Western Washington may be interested in the Mother Earth News Fair being held at the Puyallup Fairgrounds on 2-3 June 2012. (Wear your SurvivalBlog T-shirt or hat and see who you meet.)    o o o News from an American Redoubt town: Idaho town seeks to lure gun and ammo makers    o o o Reader J.B.G. suggested this article over at Instructables: Make a Yak-Proof Survival Knife    o o o Chris M. liked this ABC News piece: Reduce Dumb Decisions by Thinking in a Foreign Language    o o o Stephen F. …