Beyond the Defensible Space: Fire Safety and the Structure of Your Home, by Matthew Stein

Given the record breaking droughts, heat waves, and fire storms of the summer of 2012, if current scientific predictions of global warming prove anywhere near correct, then the we can expect that this scary situation will become the new normal  in the coming years. Whether you are a homeowner wishing to improve the fire resistance of your current dwelling, or are planning to build a new home, beyond creating a “defensible space” around your home there are a number of other actions you can take to improve the chances that your home will survive a local wildfire. These guidelines are …

Pat’s Product Review: BTB Sport Optics Sunglasses

I don’t care how many times I tell students who are coming to take a firearms class from me to bring hearing protection and eye protection. And, more often than not, at least half the students don’t bring either eye or hearing protection. I keep a box of soft foam ear plugs and safety glasses on-hand at all times, for those forgetful, or maybe they are neglectful students.   My eye doctor tells me, there is no cure for blindness. And, for hearing loss – well, it’s something a lot of people learn to live with, with either hearing aids, …

Letter Re: A Flooded Basement and Rusting Canned Foods

Greetings Jim, I hope you can help me figure out if much of my preps are imperiled. I had water leaks in my basement a few months ago after major storms overran my roof’s gutters and caused water to seep down into the front half of my basement. So I turned on the dehumidifier I keep in the basement and let it run until the basement floor was dry, then let it run an extra 24 hours just for good measure. Well, there appears to be a bit of residual moisture in the air in my basement, and when I …

Letter Re: Common Ground With Greens

James Wesley: While the compact fluorescent bulbs are good at saving energy, even better are LED bulbs. I know they are expensive, but they are coming down in price and can be had at very reasonable prices on eBay. Not only that, but they “burn” cool to the touch and contain no mercury. A broken CF bulb practically warrants a HAZMAT crew! L’s last even longer than compact fluorescent bulbs and are made of plastic so there’s no worries about breakage. I’m building a solar power system for my home, and plan on switching to LEDs. – Dave, RN

Recipe of the Week:

Michelle W.’s Baked Oatmeal The following shared with me by my wonderful neighbor and adopted mom, who received it from the owner of a bed and breakfast in the heart of Amish country, Lancaster Pennsylvania. I double the recipe, mix it overnight and cover with plastic wrap, and store in the fridge. the next morning, as soon as I awaken, I remove wrap, put pan in a cold oven, turn oven on to 350 and bake about 1 hour or until the top is brown and crunchy.  I like to add fresh fruit (blueberries, peaches, apples are divine) prior to …

Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent this: Where Borrowing $105 Million Will Cost $1 Billion: Poway Schools. A 40 year bond. What insanity! This typifies the institutionalized myopia of California. Is The Greek Calamity Economy Headed For Revolt? “‘Dire’ is no longer the right word to describe the situation in Greece. Unemployment hit 23.1% in May…” Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Goldman Sachs: No CDO charges by SEC. Once again, bankers are told implicitly told that they can gamble recklessly with derivatives with no repercussions. Someday there will be a huge implosion… Deep Schumer for scrap metal thieves? Sen. Schumer aims to make …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When he penned the prescient lyrics to the now classic song “A Country Boy Can Survive”, Hank Williams, Jr. was apparently 30 years ahead of his time: The Mighty Mississippi to Run Dry? (OBTW, the “The interest is up…” part of the lyrics won’t be for another couple of years…)    o o o My sister recommended this novel: The Dog Stars. Yet another post-apocalyptic novel makes it into Amazon’s Top 100.    o o o KAF sent this: Cycle on the Recycled: A $9 Cardboard Bike Set to Enter Production in Israel    o o o A tidbit sent …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest…and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals." – Noah Webster, 1828