Odds ‘n Sods:

Pierre M. recommend two great outdoors primer sites: Edible Wilds and Identifying Trees in Winter: Bark, Buds, Growth Patterns, and Lingering Seed Pods

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Our SurvivalRealty.com spin-off site just had nearly a dozen new retreat property listings added, bringing the number of active listings to 112. Check it out.

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Some great classes in Akron, Ohio. Your choice of preparedness classes and days: Survival Medicine with Doc Cindy (July 17-19), Outdoor Survival Skills with Midwest Native Skills Institute (July 13-15), and Homesteading Skills at Stone Garden Farm (July 16 and 20, 2012). These are the last classes of the summer. See the ArmageddonMedicine.net web site for details.

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Here it comes: Talks on global arms treaty set to begin in New York. This treaty would definitely fail Joe Huffman’s “Jews In The Attic” test. Please contact the two U.S. Senators for your state and tell them: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

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Idaho population growth concentrated in cities