Odds ‘n Sods:

M.P. flagged this: Prepper speaks against stigma that all survivalists are nuts

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Alabama residents will be interested to learn that the state legislature has enacted a law providing a sales tax free weekend on disaster supplies the weekend of July 6-8, 2012. That will include things like bottled water, foods, candles, lanterns, and even generators. Our thanks to Mark C. for the news tip.

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Reader Mark P. mentioned that the Ludwig von Mises Institute now offers an e-book of liberty quotations as a free PDF download.

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G.G. spotted this: Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you (and they include ‘pork’, ‘cloud’ and ‘Mexico’)

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Louis C. let me know about the upcoming Andy Garcia film For Greater Glory, about the Cristiada Rebellion against atheist President Plutarco Calles in Mexico in the 1920s. (Calles founded the PRN, which was the predecessor of the long-dominant PRI political party.) This film is quite unusual for Hollywood, given politics of the day. Andy Garcia plays General Enrique Gorostieta Velarde, who ironically was both anti-clerical and a freemason. (But he sympathized with the plight of the persecuted Catholics in Mexico.)