Letter Re: Canada’s Upcoming Body Armor Bans

Dear James:
The body armor ban in Alberta, Canada comes into effect June 15th, 2012.    To summarize, unless you are using Body Armor in your exempted profession, e.g., police, security, etc., etc., you have to get approval to buy, or own Body Armor.  FAQs see:  Body Armour Control

Fortunately, there is an exemption for “an individual who has been issued a valid licence under the Firearms Act (Canada)”, and – contrary to the FAQ page above – my reading of the actual law indicates that this exemption for Firearms License holders is not restricted to the scope of your profession.   See:  Exemptions, Section 4 (f) of the BODY ARMOUR CONTROL ACT

Nova Scotia’s upcoming ban does not have an exemption for Firearms License holders (like Manitoba.) 

These are very odious laws.  Innocent folks will die, or be injured because it did not seem worth the extra expense or hassle to proactively get Body Armor.  And do you think the gang members will be overly concerned about a getting a permit for their illegal Body Armor, to go along with their illegal guns, or illegal drugs? 

Free persons (who respect the rights of others) should not have to beg a bureaucrat to get permission to protect themselves.  If you have to get permission to protect your life, well… exactly what rights do you have? Yours Truly, – Nick  at BulletProofME.com Body Armor