Notes from JWR:

Do you have any favorite quotes that relate to preparedness, traditional skills, self-sufficiency, economics, self-defense, or individual liberty? If so, then please e-mail your properly-attributed quotes to us and they will likely be featured as SurvivalBlog Quotes of the Day. (We’ve now archived more than 2,300 quotes.) Thanks! — Today we present another entry for Round 40 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day …

Kitchen Cupboard Medicine, by Barefoot Yankee Gal

Open your kitchen cupboard and what do you see?  Salt, pepper, ginger, dill, alum, meat tenderizer, honey, molasses, baking soda; and the list can go on.  Viewed as flavor enhancers and condiments these are tasty additions to any meal.  But there is a hidden world of medicinal benefit in many of those little tins and shaker-topped jars. When you reach for the alum to eliminate a canker sore, or swallow a teaspoonful of honey to soothe a sore throat, or make a moist plaster of meat tenderizer to take the sting out of a bee-bite, you are practicing “Kitchen Cupboard …

Letter Re: Evacuating Quickly to Escape Wildfires

JWR: As a former California Department of Forestry (C.D.F. which is now Cal-Fire) wild land firefighter I would like to give some professional advice to persons living in wildfire prone urban interface locations.  The 100 foot clearance required is really a necessity in defending your retreat.  If infrastructure is still up, when told to evacuate, GET OUT ! From a roadway, I once had to listen to the screams of a woman who burned to death because she refused to evacuate her home.  It is a haunting memory. Have an advance plan for safety zones and escape routes.  A safety zone …

Economics and Investing:

The gasoline shortage in England is not getting much better: The great Easter get nowhere: RAC warns that petrol panic buying risks millions of drivers not being able to fill their tanks for holiday break Marc Faber: ‘Massive Wealth Destruction’ Is About to Hit Investors (A hat tip to Michael W. for the link.) Diana V. suggested this: Nine Gold Myths Everyone Needs to Understand to Survive this Global Economic Crisis Over at MyBudget360: The creeping cost of consumer inflation brought to you by a lower US dollar The impending urban water crisis. (Thanks to R.C. for the link.) Several …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Check out this new Internet vendor: They sell Wise Foods, Gamma Seal Lids, Berkey Water Filters, and more. I’m proud to say that my #2 Son (of Whiteout Productions) designed their web page and expertly set up their web shopping cart system.    o o o The latest news from Holland (pardon the garbled auto-translation): No more licenses for ‘assault rifles’. (Thanks to Bram for the link.)    o o o R.C. mentioned: Iraq Equipment Might go to Mexican Border.    o o o Evan sent us the link to an upcoming auction. Evan’s comment: “That should last for …