Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. was the first of several readers to send this: The great Asian gold theft crisis

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I heard about some American-made Boost Regulators that are useful off the grid. These can produce 14 volts with just 9 volts input.

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Linda U. suggested this article: Three Oregon mushroom pickers rescued after 6 days lost. JWR’s Comment: It is indeed a miracle that they survived. Consider: Poor prior planning. (This was a case of PPPPP.) Pitiful clothing and equipment. No signaling capability. No map and compass. No GPS. And if the temperatures had been any lower, they would have died of hypothermia. Learn from their mistakes, folks!

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Reader T.O.B. mentioned this monumental example of suicide-grade bad OPSEC consciousness: New APN Facebook Group. I recommend that readers keep a much lower profile rather than voluntarily adding themselves to a Nationwide Looting Targets Directory.

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Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) mentioned that the Global Village Construction Set guys are stills expanding their project: Open Source Ecology