Odds ‘n Sods:

To temper this sensationalistic news reporting on the man-made H3N2 flu variant, consider: On Research Ethics

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A reminder to readers in the US that you have less than one week left left to purchase Primatene Mist Inhaler(s) over the counter, after 12-31-11 it will no longer be available. As most of you know, this is nothing more than Epinephrine in an inhaler and can be used for any type of anaphylaxis. The cost is around $21.

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NYT Smears Gingrich Over EMP Threat Comment. (Thanks to Yishai for the link.)

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Warning, Tyranny Ahead! Lawrence T. mentioned this: A proposed act of the New Hampshire legislature, requiring the department of transportation to post signs on roads that cross the border into Massachusetts.

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Roxanne B. sent us a news segment from Southern California (The Land of the Well-Tanned Sheeple): Residents Exchange Guns For Gift Cards. Baa-Baaaaaaa!