Letter Re: A Single Mom’s Desire to Relocate

Mr. Rawles:
I am a Registered Nurse with some money saved up, and a two year old son.  I don’t know if I can do it all myself. I have had this impending feeling that I need to leave where I am on the East Coast. I feel God has put this restlessness in my heart for a reason. I find myself looking at rural land and farms to purchase practically every night. I feel as if something is coming and I need to get my son out of harm’s way. Basically I don’t know where to start or even if its feasible that I can do it. If you could just give me a few pointers on how you think I could manage this I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks, – Desperate to Get Out of Dodge

JWR Replies: Just be thankful that you have savings (since most folks have deep debts) and that you are in a career that pays fairly well, and which makes you mobile.  I recommend that you proceed with prayer, and I want to let you know that you are in my prayers.  Pray that you find the right community in a safe region with a good church, and if it in God’s plan, a Godly husband.

For some general guidance, see my American Redoubt Page and my Retreat Area Recommendations page. You might also consider the Oil Patch of North Dakota, which is presently booming and has a considerable surplus of bachelors.