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Letter Re: A Single Mom’s Desire to Relocate

Mr. Rawles:
I am a Registered Nurse with some money saved up, and a two year old son.  I don’t know if I can do it all myself. I have had this impending feeling that I need to leave where I am on the East Coast. I feel God has put this restlessness in my heart for a reason. I find myself looking at rural land and farms to purchase practically every night. I feel as if something is coming and I need to get my son out of harm’s way. Basically I don’t know where to start or even if its feasible that I can do it. If you could just give me a few pointers on how you think I could manage this I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks, – Desperate to Get Out of Dodge

JWR Replies: Just be thankful that you have savings (since most folks have deep debts) and that you are in a career that pays fairly well, and which makes you mobile.  I recommend that you proceed with prayer, and I want to let you know that you are in my prayers.  Pray that you find the right community in a safe region with a good church, and if it in God’s plan, a Godly husband.

For some general guidance, see my American Redoubt Page [1] and my Retreat Area Recommendations [2] page. You might also consider the Oil Patch of North Dakota, which is presently booming and has a considerable surplus of bachelors.