Notes from JWR:

Today marks 10th anniversary of 9-11-2001. We have not forgotten the nearly 3,000 lives that were taken by Islamic terrorists. Please remember the families of the victims in your prayers.. Soon after 9/11/01 our nation launched what some have dubbed the Global War On a Noun. We can never win a war against a tactic. We need to have a defined enemy. Unfortunately, too few in Washington D.C. have the requisite fortitude to close our borders to radical Islamists and to expel those of them who are already here. Sadly, I believe that won’t happen until after a couple of …

Protecting You and Yours During a Mass Casualty Incident, by Officer Tackleberry

Unfortunately, mass casualty incidents have become more and more frequent both worldwide and here in the U.S.  A mass casualty incident takes on several names with suicide bombing, active shooter, and multi-prong attacks being the most common.  The primary goal of all of these incidents is the same: kill and maim as many people as possible while maximizing fear and chaos. Before I go in to the details of this article, I need to provide a precursor.  I will be providing details on how you can respond as well as awareness to avoid and/or prevent being a victim of such …

Letter Re: SKS Rifles in Canada

Dear JWR: Fearing confiscations of the more “controversial” VZ-58 clones that have hit the Canadian market, I recently sold one and am actively trying to sell another.  Not wanting to sell the thousands of rounds of 7.62×39 Czech surplus ammunition I have for them, I have been giving very serious consideration to procuring one (or several) SKSs as a replacement. To be clear, I don’t think the SKS is the best choice for a primary rifle.  For me personally, that honour belongs to the AR-15 in .223 (even if, as required by Canadian law, mags must be pinned to 5 …

Letter Re: A Photovoltaic Lighting Option

Hi Jim, Just bought a bunch of these ‘underwater’ solar floodlights, from Northern Tool: Sunforce Solar Powered Underwater LED Floodlight, Item# 121178 They are very bright for a single LED and they will stay on until dawn if they get a full day’s charge. The light is more of a spot light and is better than most flashlights being able to light up over 60 feet away fairly well. These are great for low maintenance perimeter lighting and [unlike typical solar pathway lights,] are waterproof. Their batteries are NiMH AA cells and are replaceable. The lights plug into the panel …

Economics and Investing:

The game of public debt charades in the District of Criminals (DC) continues: Senate Approves $500 Billion Increase in Borrowing Authority. (Thanks to Chris G. for the link.) Some interesting research by Mac Slavo of SHTFPlan: Banks, Governments Move To Restrict Personal Gold Bullion Purchases Over at The Daily Bell: Fitch May Downgrade China and Japan: Worldwide Depression Draws Closer I found this linked over at The Drudge Report: World Entering ‘Dangerous New Phase’: Lagarde Items from The Economatrix: The Future for Most Americans:  Pathetic Jobs, Bad Debts, and a Lousy Economy Bring Out Your Dead – UBS Quantifies Costs …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who look for scriptural foreshadowing of modern events, Matt B. sent a link to a PDF over at Steve Quayle’s site: The Watchmen, 911 and the Harbingers    o o o Authorities Confirm Gun Found in Arizona Is Third at U.S. Crime Scene Tied to ATF’s ‘Fast and Furious‘. And in related news: Gunwalker Explodes into the Heartland. (A hat tip to K.A.F. for the links.)    o o o Spare me the Political Correctness, just give me the facts: Pearl Harbor’s New ‘Vision’.    o o o (that also does business as is giving a …