F.J. suggested the tax infornmation from Kiplinger’s, for helping to select reterat locales: Retiree Tax Heavens (and Hells)
Reuter’s reports: S&P to deeply cut U.S. ratings if debt payment missed
Kostas sent this: Greece faces general strike, more cuts planned. This article includes a quote from deputy prime minister, Theodoros Pangalos: “A return to the drachma would mean that the next day banks would be surrounded by people trying to get their money out. The army would have to use tanks to protect [the banks] because there wouldn’t be enough police to do it.”
Alexander in Germany flagged this one for us: ‘The German Government Will Pay Up’. Here is a omimous quote: “Sooner or later, this much is certain, the system will be blown apart by political and economic factors. And, unfortunately, there is a great danger that, when this happens, it is not only the euro that will fall apart, but also the entire EU.”
Sig Kriegsman suggested this blog post by Bruce Krasting: Obama, Democrats, Republicans AND Bernanke All in a Bind – What they will do and when
Economist Carmen Reinhart Shares Her Grim Outlook for the U.S. Economy
Michael Pollaro, in Forbes: Monetary Watch June 2011, Inflation prospects post QE II
Items from The Economatrix:
Enter The Dragon “To Save The Euro”
Consumer Spending Breaks 10-Month Rising Streak
Economy Expected to Have Major Slide
Drivers Catch a Break as Gasoline Prices Fall