Notes from JWR:

Breaking News: Nuclear accident may be imminent as flood berm bursts at Fort Calhoun Nebraska nuclear plant. — Today we present another entry for Round 35 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Alpine Aire freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $400 value.) C.) A 9-Tray …

Emergency Prep for Travelers, by O.P.

In March I was traveling on business when the earthquake/tsunami struck Japan.  My brother was in Japan at the time on business travel.  My brother finally made it home five days after the earthquake struck.  Meanwhile I was in Israel when the rockets from Gaza started up again, and a bombing occurred at the Jerusalem bus stop.  We both travel considerably throughout the world, and have often discussed preparations during travel for emergencies.  My brother is less concerned about preparations at home, but our experiences have convinced him over time on the need for backup options when away from home.  …

Pat’s Product Review: Ruger Mini-14

I have literally lost count over the years, as to how many Ruger Mini-14s I’ve owned – however, I think it’s safe to say, I’ve probably owned a couple dozen Mini-14s. No, I don’t collect them, but I’ve owned quite a few of ’em since they first came on the scene. At present, ironically, I don’t own a Mini-14. But I do keep notes on how guns shoot when I did own them – it comes with the turf being a gun writer. One of the gals who regularly reads Survivalblog, e-mailed me a couple weeks ago, and asked me …

Letter Re: Google Earth — The Double-Edged Sword

Mr. Rawles, Thanks for the extraordinary services you provide and for being so generous with your time. The subject of this letter has to do with a recent article on survivalblog in which the author explained the benefits of searching for homesteads using free, online resources such as Google Earth. I recently bought and moved to a rural property. This was the culmination of over two years’ hunting for good homesteads at a fair price. So when I came across this place, I knew it was a bargain. In my searches, I found other rich sources of information: especially interactive …

Economics and Investing:

John E. flagged this bit of statist arrogance: US Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner – “Taxes on ‘Small Business’ Must Rise So Government Doesn’t Shrink” John R. kindly sent us a whole raft of economic news items and some excellent commentary: Derivatives Cloud the Possible Fallout From a Greek Default Inevitable Catastrophe: The Fruits of Moral Hazard on a Global Scale  (Charles Hugh Smith) Chance Didn’t Create the Current Economic Crisis (Bob Chapman) Bernanke Lies Half Life Reduced To Under One Day As Aflac Scrambling To Shore Up Liquidity On European Exposure Mike Whitney: QE 3? — The Perils of Inflation …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader V.T.P. mention a new documentary coming up on the National Geographic cable television channel: Doomsday Preppers. It first airs tonight. (Monday, June 27 at 8 p.m. in the U.S.) Judging from the preview clip, it looks great. I would be very surprised to hear that the folks profiled aren’t SurvivalBlog readers.    o o o I recently bought a few olive drab MOLLE shotshell pouches from a small mailorder company in Florida called Omega Zombie. I was quite impressed with both the quality of their products and their customer service. And, BTW, I noticed that they also sell their …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“In order for this economy to become balanced again would require consumer debt to be reduced by $3 to $4 trillion and the savings rate to double from 5% to 10%. This will never happen voluntarily. Americans are still delusional. They are actually increasing their debt as credit card debt sits at $790 billion, student loan debt at $1 trillion, auto loans at $600 billion, and mortgage debt at $13.8 trillion. The debt will not decline until an economic Depression wipes out banks and consumers alike. America will go down with a bang, not a whimper.” – Jim Quinn, writing …