The Endless “One Gun” Internet Debates

I often read suggestions in survivalist and shooting forums that run something like this: “If you had to choose just one gun to handle all your tasks, then what would it be?” A lively debate then ensues, usually marked by extreme opinions, running the gamut from pipsqueak calibers, to elephant guns. These debates go on, endlessly. The result is a confusing muddle that does little to educate folks that are new to shooting as to what is truly practical. What prompted this post is that recently received a “one gun solution” article entry for SurvivalBlog’s writing contest, which I politely …

Letter Re: Food Handling and Cooking Safety

James, While I enjoyed the article written by Jason A., there were minor points that stuck out to me. As a professional chef who has completed numerous food safety courses, many of them the same that health inspectors must take to be certified, Jason’s list of final food temperatures and cooking suggestions were a good start, but had some potentially precarious recommendations. Washing fruits and vegetables will rarely remove all the pesticides and bacteria, unless you use a food sanitizing liquid such as bleach water, which you may or may not have in such a situation. Washing removes any exterior …

Economics and Investing:

A foretaste of life in the U.S. in the near future?: Belarus devaluation spreads panic. On the same topic, Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge posted some commentary and a scary “hockey stick” currency chart: Welcome To Hyperinflation Hell: Following Currency Devaluation, Belarus Economy Implodes, Sets Blueprint For Developed World Future J.B.G. sent this: Greece risks ‘return to drachma’ World Bank Predicts the Demise of the US Dollar by 2025   Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Likely To Face Bumpy Ride Into Summer Gas Prices Dampen Memorial Day Vacations States Shorten Duration For Unemployment Benefits What Is Behind Europe’s Stock Market …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Senator Rand Paul speaks out in opposition to renewal of the misnamed PATRIOT Act.    o o o An interesting History Channel documentary: How The States Got Their Shapes. Note that one segment on Montana includes a SurvivalBlog reader. (I haven’t been given permission to name names, but you might be able to guess which Montanan this is.)    o o o Enemy at gate? Not in this case. (Thanks to N.R. for the link.)    o o o Obama: We’re Working on Gun Control ‘Under the Radar’. (Thanks to K.A.F. for the link.)    o o o This article …

Notes from JWR:

With the recent spate of tornadoes in America’s Heartland, (the death toll in Joplin is now at 124) and a new round of Icelandic volcanic ash clouds threatening northern Europe, it is time to re-double our preparedness efforts. Prepare and pray hard! — Today we present another entry for Round 34 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, …

Preventive Maintenance, Medicine, and Measures, by Jason A.

As the saying goes “preventive medicine is the best medicine”, this can be said for many aspects in life. Why wait until something happens to fix it? Why not perform proper maintenance procedures so you don’t have to fix it? Frankly, before I became a prepper, I’ve always found this approach to be best. It can save you time, money, frustration. Even if something is going to break no matter what, with preventive procedures, you can sometimes see it coming, therefore fixing or changing a part. From a prepper’s perspective, preventive measures are a necessity. The U.S. military puts an …

Letter Re: An Antique Well-Drilling Blog

Hi James, I’ve been putting together a blog illustrating well-drilling methods and machinery called The Jack Line. Although I’ll cover early powered drilling machinery at some point, the emphasis right now is on hand-powered well drilling and hand-built drilling machinery. I hope people can find it useful. There is much more material to be added as time permits. – Jeff B.

Economics and Investing:

Ah, yes, the inevitable rush into tangibles: Belarus snaps up TVs, fridges as ruble plunges. (Thanks to Diana V. and Jay H. for the link.) QE2 was a bust. (A hat tip to John R. for the link.) Linda U. sent this report from Texas: Record farming, ranching loss seen. (Stock up on cotton socks and jeans, since cotton prices are likely to skyrocket in 2012.) Why The “Is QE 3 Coming?” Debate Is A Moot Point. (Thanks to John R. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Eurozone Woes May Boost Gold Foreclosure Flood May Not Have Crested Yet …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Phill K. sent a link to an interesting story about insulin that can be stored at room temperature.      o o o Voting with our feet: Americans Try to Outrun State, Local Tax Hikes. Wyoming (which has no personal income tax) and some of the other American Redoubt States are looking better and better.    o o o C.R.W. spotted this over at Jim Sinclair’s web site: Wanted – Farming Couple in Tanzania    o o o Lousy Timing Department: Just as hundreds of thousands of people in the central United States are having their lives devastated by tornadoes, …

Notes from JWR:

JRH Enterprises is running a Memorial Day Week sale on AN/PVS-14 night vision monocular/weapons sights. This is the lowest price that they have ever offered on 3rd generation Pinnacle Autogated scopes. These are brand new mil-spec factory units that come with their original data sheets and a five year warranty. Standard units are available for only $2,795 and and upgraded versions with a higher line-pair count (like the one we use here at the Rawles Ranch) are available for $3,150. The current sale ends next Wednesday, so order soon! — Today we present another entry for Round 34 of the …

Survival Security Tactics–In All Locations, by Roy K.

I see little difference between a SHTF situation and a TEOTWAWKI situation in terms of self defense. The mission is identical; protect our family from predators whether it be for a month or years. Same challenges, same tactics, same end result. I will concede that the longer chaos prevails, then the greater desperation and violence we could expect. But, may I submit that if forced to use lethal force, a bullet doesn’t know the difference between a killer, rapist or looter. The end result is the same. No matter where you live.   The variables and subsequent permutations of survival …

Letter Re: Long Term Storage Foods in Supermarkets and Big Box Stores

Jim, I recently had a discussion with management at the Clarkston, Washington Wal-Mart [in eastern Washington, on the Idaho state line.] The General Manager has definitely got a finger on the pulse of consumers.  They have a huge display set up at the entrance to the store of freeze dried food [in #10 cans] from Augason Farms.  The display was an island two pallets wide and 8 pallets long.  They offer a full line of freeze dried foods from alphabet soup to Whole Egg Powder and whole raspberries.  They also had a display of breakfast and dinner emergency cases of …

Letter Re: A Suggestion for Preppers Outside of the U.S.

Dear Mr. Rawles, Thank you very much for your help with my inquiry about storing grain and mylar bags. I have acquired some mylar bags from the US.  Your blog is a tremendous source of information but of course most the suppliers mentioned in the blogs and advertising on the blog are in America. As stated in my original e-mail I am very new to prepping and have spent countless hours on the net trying to find a source of supply of items here in Australia.  No doubt countless preppers do the same thing attempting to find the things they …