Odds ‘n Sods:

This post sums up what a lot of people have been thinking: You Might Be A Psychopath If…

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The shortages continue: Drugs For Critically Ill In Short Supply. (Thanks to C.D.V. for the link.)

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Ay, ay, ay: CDC Warns Public to Prepare for ‘Zombie Apocalypse’. How could the CDC use such absurd, illogical imagery to promote a family preparedness campaign? They must have let a few overpaid publicity consultants run amok. Be very careful when you ask PR people to “Do something bold, to catch attention.” Did they ever! (Thanks to Steve C. for the link.)

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Trapper Mike suggested a short video: Highway numbers aren’t random.

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Islands in the stream: The extraordinary homemade dams holding back the Mississippi as desperate residents try to save their homes