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Odds ‘n Sods:

This post sums up what a lot of people have been thinking: You Might Be A Psychopath If… [1]

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The shortages continue: Drugs For Critically Ill In Short Supply [2]. (Thanks to C.D.V. for the link.)

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Ay, ay, ay: CDC Warns Public to Prepare for ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ [3]. How could the CDC [4] use such absurd, illogical imagery to promote a family preparedness campaign? They must have let a few overpaid publicity consultants run amok. Be very careful when you ask PR [5] people to “Do something bold, to catch attention.” Did they ever! (Thanks to Steve C. for the link.)

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Trapper Mike suggested a short video: Highway numbers aren’t random [6].

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Islands in the stream: The extraordinary homemade dams holding back the Mississippi as desperate residents try to save their homes [7]