Note from JWR:

Great news! The recently-completed SurvivalBlog archives database will allow us to produce an archive CD of all of the SurvivalBlog posts from 2005 to 2010. It will be fully searchable, and will be provided in both HTML and PDF. Effectively, it will emulate SurvivalBlog offline, on your PC or Mac. With this CD-ROM, you’ll always have access to the SurvivalBlog archives, even if the Internet is not available. And if you are on-line while using the CD-ROM, then the links to external web sites (from both HTML and PDF) will be fully functional. The amount of information on the archive …

America’s Transition to Preemptive Law Enforcement

There is a disturbing trend in American law enforcement and in our courts: They have been enforcing nonexistent laws, misapplying laws, arresting people who are obviously innocent, and arresting people on suspicion that they might be thinking about doing something illegal. This is similar to the policing philosophy in England, where police often preemptively detain people and seize household goods “for the safety of all concerned”. In my estimation, this is just one notch below arresting folks for “thought crimes” (a la Orwell’s novel 1984) or “pre-crime”, (a la Philip K. Dick’s novella that became the movie Minority Report.) Here …

Letter Re: Advice on Shotgun Shells to Store

James: Some of your posts recommend storing 500 rounds per shotgun, but does not mention which types of shells. How much should I stock of the following: Slugs, 00 Buckshot, #7-1/2 birdshot, #8 birdshot. How many of each? Any other 12 gauge ammo type?  Also, what shotguns do you use?   Thanks for publishing a great blog! –  Jim B. JWR Replies: The ratio of shells that you store all depends on where you live.  Do you live in duck country?  Quail country?  Rabbit country? Deer country? If you live in duck country, then you should buy mostly #2 or …

Letter Re: Do-It-Yourself Campfire Starters

Dear Mr. Rawles, First thank you and thank you again for your wonderful web site. I feel I have learned so much by reading it. I developed lots of important ideas good not only for emergencies but for more “mundane” preparedness. I want to share with you and your readers how I make simple and inexpensive fire starters for the fireplace, grill or campfire. I get a pound of Gulf Wax [canning paraffin] ($3 dollars per box) and melt it in a mason jar in a pot of boiling water. I then take finely shredded office paper (free) and stuff …

Economics and Investing:

John R. sent a Seeking Alpha article with some confirmations of my warnings to SurvivalBlog readers since 2006: Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions Into Wall Street Banks. Here is a quote from the article: “Of course, Bernanke tells the public and Congress that the reason we need low interest rates is to support housing prices. He doesn’t mention that $188 TRILLION of the $223 TRILLION in notional value of derivatives sitting on the Big Banks’ balance sheets is related to interest rates. Yes, $188 TRILLION. That’s thirteen times the US’ entire GDP, and nearly four times WORLD GDP.” …

Inflation Watch:

America’s inflation alarm is growing ever louder, (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) News from formerly Merry Olde England: Staple Food Prices Fastest Rise in Five Years . Corn’s rally feeds a ‘global food fight’ Kraft says more price increases ahead

Odds ‘n Sods:

We are happy to welcome our newest advertiser, Missouri Storm Shelters. They have some innovative designs (pre-fabricated, bolt-together, and poured concrete), competitive pricing. They ship their metal shelters nationwide.    o o o Finally! Atlas Shrugged (Part 1) will come to theaters on April 15th.    o o o A recent post over at the Paratus Famila blog, is great reading: Country Wisdom.    o o o Curiouser and curiouser: The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters. (Thanks to David D. for the link.)

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Americans are in the process of ruining themselves. They are transforming assets into liabilities, trading the real wealth that was built up over generations for the quick fix of debt. The ‘equity’ they own in their homes has fallen to its lowest level since the government began tracking it in 1965. The asset – the home – has been replaced by mortgage debt.” – Bill Bonner (Editor of The Daily Reckoning)