Notes from JWR:

Today, February 8, 2011, marks the 10th anniversary of when I fairly accurately called the bottom of the silver market. That was when silver was $4.55 an ounce and I stated that it might bottom at around $4.25 per ounce before the inevitable rally. The actually bottom was at $4.18 per ounce. Since then, silver has been in a confirmed bull market cycle, increasing in price by more than 610%. (When I last checked, spot silver was at $29.35 per ounce.) For those that took my advice, congratulations. And for those who have been dragging their feet, don’t worry: The …

The Golden Hours, by Brad H.

The three main factors in determining who lives and who dies WTSHTF are situational awareness, overcoming inertia, and dumb luck. The first two you have some control over. The third is always going to be beyond your control, except for Divine intervention, so don’t worry about it. If you are at mid-span on the Golden Gate Bridge when Al Qaeda sets off a nuke in San Francisco, or “The Big One” hits. In such cases, acceptance of God’s will is all you have to do to prepare. For those who are lucky enough to not be killed immediately when disaster …

The Backup Plan to a Backup Plan for Telecommuters, by Tamara W.

Assumption: “If it snows or storms, I can work from home and telecommute.”  Assumptions are not always correct. The major ice storms at the end of January and start of February 2011 prompted creating this plan for my husband and myself. (Or first backup plan was alternate transportation routes.) Lessons learned day by day: Day 1 When power goes out at the house, such as during the first day of the storm for about 6 hours, the only way you can work from home is by using precious generator  fuel or laptop batteries. Due to my husband’s higher pay rate, …

Letter Re: Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Mitigation

James: Thank you for your interesting and informative web site and mission.  Just a few short thoughts on earthquake hazard, risk, and mitigation, since it’s a pet interest of mine for some time and I come at it from a slightly different background than some.  I’m a southeastern US resident in an area about 300 miles give or take from the New Madrid fault zone.  My community is actually located in the second most seismically active area east of the Rockies, so I do have some personal investment in the topic.  Additionally, I have more than 20 years’ experience in …

Letter Re: The Hard Truth About Starting Your Survival Homestead

James: That was great post [by Mitch M.], many thanks to all who share their experiences on your blog. Nothing beats mentoring, even by internet!  However, I would like to share that RoundUp is a dangerous product and should not be used anywhere you plan to grow plants for food.  The following is an excerpt from an article at The Institute For Responsible Technology web site: “Monsanto used to boast that Roundup is biodegradable, claiming that it breaks down quickly in the soil. But courts in the US and Europe disagreed and found them guilty of false advertising. In fact, …

Avalanche Lily’s Bedside Book Pile

I heard that Mark Harrison (the husband of Erin Harrison, who produced the excellent Homesteading for Beginners DVD series) was just involved in a freak accident that nearly cost him his life. While attaching some siding on a building under construction at their farm, a co-worker slipped and accidentally put an industrial staple into the back of Mark’s head, stapling his hat to his head. The prongs of the staple penetrated one inch into his skull. One brain surgery later, it looks like Mark has a good chance of making a complete recovery. Please keep Mark and his family in …

Economics and Investing:

John R. flagged this: Egypt’s Super-Rich Begin Moving Their Money to Switzerland Also from John comes a bank run news article: Egyptian Banks Open, And The Government Is Forced To Use Cargo Planes Full Of Cash Mal sent us this: Why You Need to Own Nickels, Right Now Reader M.B. highlighted this one: South Korea must prepare for food crisis Bob Chapman: Almost a Total Dollar Devaluation By The Fed In his video blog, Peter Schiff warns of rapidly-rising bond yield rates. Andy A. suggested this: Silver in complete backwardation

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hillary Clinton calls historic meeting of ambassadors. Wow, 260 ambassadors and counsels in simultaneous transit! Something is afoot, folks. The bottom line is that the world’s governments can print unlimited supplies of currency, but they can’t print food. I anticipate that a regional war or perhaps even global war is just around the corner.    o o o Why America Should Be Driving on Natural Gas    o o o Ms. M. sent this article about “Generation Rx”: Pharmacies Besieged by Addicted Thieves    o o o I just heard about an interesting new product, made here in the U.S.: …