Note from JWR:

Just as a I expected, Dan B.’s article Four Great Preparedness Myths (that was posted on Saturday) prompted a flurry of responses. You can see those, farther down in today’s posts. OBTW, one of the things that I love about SurvivalBlog is the lively and articulate interchange of ideas, yet without the flames and rants that are all too common in the various preparedness Forums. Thanks for your civility, folks!

Letter Re: Diabetes Management and the Jerusalem Artichoke

Mr. Rawles; Several posts have mentioned that in a serious, long-term disaster, diabetics unable to maintain a store of insulin will have a high death rate. The following may help. Note that Jerusalem artichokes contain Inulin, not Insulin; however, the effects are similar for stabilizing blood sugar levels, according to several online sources (see Jerusalem artichoke, diabetes, and inulin). Inulin works for diabetes, pre-diabetes, and hypoglycemia; and helps with overweight which is related to a variety of medical conditions. It may also help to prevent the development of diabetes for those prone to it, or with mild cases. Jerusalem artichokes …

Two Letters Re: Self-Storage Spaces as Caches

Two Letters Re: Self-Storage Spaces as Caches Mr. Rawles: I have written before about Self Storage Facilities back in October, 2009. I am still a resident manager of a small self storage facility. I agree with Ryan in British Columbia about using self storage caches for your preps. Recommendation on locks: the round lock or disc lock is about the best defense you can purchase for your self storage unit. They cannot be cut with the more common bolt cutters and usually take an electric disc grinder to cut them off. A hint as to the keys for this type …

Five Letters Re: Four Great Preparedness Myths

Jim, I enjoyed the letter by Dan B. on preparedness myths. I couldn’t agree more with his opinions and in particular with Myth #1 “You can defend yourself against the horde” I have no combat experience but I am a student of Sun Tzu’s military treatise “The Art of War” The principals and logic therein demonstrate that a wise prepper will be as prepared as possible to defend oneself but will use all means available of avoiding the direct conflict with so vast a number of enemies (other than surrender of course) One would employ deception, concealment, positioning etc. I …

Economics and Investing:

Several readers recommended an excellent “must see” video that was produced by the National Inflation Association, titled: The Meltup By way of the No Money No Worries blog, we found this Four Big Banks Score Perfect 61-Day Run. Something is rotten in Denmark on Wall Street. (Thanks to Geoff in Texas for the tip.) Blood in the Streets! Bank Bailout Protesters Storm Ireland’s Parliament. (Thanks to Kathryn D. for the link.) Danny B. flagged this: 401(k)/IRA Nationalization Quietly Moves Forward Gary E. sent this: US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF Items from The Economatrix: Government …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Brian B. reccommednded listing to the Shrugging Out podcast. (The podcast’s name is derived from the libertarian novel “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand.)    o o o Reader RBS suggested this article: Montana FWPD Wolf Management Fiasco    o o o The Ammo Shortage Continues. (Thanks to Brian B. for the link.)    o o o S.A. liked a video at the Better Homes and Gardens web site: Fire Safe Garden.