Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 28 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round will include: First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost between $500 and $600, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees, in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $392 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (A $275 value.), and D.) A 500 round case …

Survival Rations and Food Security, by J.I.R.

I think we can all agree that a deep larder is good insurance for bad times. There is some variation on how we approach this topic, but we probably all have a lot in common. I would like to present my approach to food storage to give your readers (perhaps) a new perspective. Some of them may have inadequate plans for feeding their families. First, I have to admit that I am probably not as well prepared as a lot of readers and that my preparations could easily be improved if I were less lazy or worried more. I don’t …

Letter Re: Using Pipe Infrastructure to Your Advantage

Beneath many of our very feet are hundreds of miles of underground piping which utilized correctly can provide valuable resource in the event of a TEOTWAWKI situation. Storm drainage pipe siphons rain water from urban areas into surrounding streams and rivers. Accessed through manholes and curb gutters water runs off the street into basins and concrete piping. (Concrete piping varies in size, however most urban areas use diameters 36” and upward.) In the event of a G.O.O.D. situation slipping into some form of drainage would at least allow stealth movement for a decent distance (remember water always flows toward the …

Letter Re: An Australian Comments on the U.S. Constitution

Sir: As a foreign reader of this blog (Australian) I keep a very close eye on the U.S. politics. I find myself envious of a country that has a Bill Of Rights such as yours. I carry great admiration for those that defend it, but at the same time it depresses me that so many Americans take it for granted. In Australia, Federal authority is so pervasive that the only thing the our states provide is an excuse to employ another tier of overpaid under-worked public servants. Yet regardless of how tight a government’s stranglehold on their populace may be …

Letter Re: Thoughts on Practical Self-Sufficiency

Hello Jim: For supper tonight we are having a meal made with ingredients that I gathered from our place, with the exception of the meat which was purchased. I put a smoked ham hock in the crock pot over night. I also soaked some leather breeches (dried green beans) and some horticultural beans over night. These were added to the crock pot this morning along with a couple of hands full of ramps that I had dug yesterday and a couple of hands full of dandelion greens that Abigail had picked last week. Lastly some red potatoes from our garden …

Economics and Investing:

Nic suggested a piece over at Seeking Alpha: Richard Russell’s in Cash and Gold: ‘No Time to Be Cute’ Courtesy of Matt R. comes this article link: Warren Buffett Worries About High Risks of ‘Significant Inflation’ Around Globe Brett G. sent this indicator of a bond market crash in the near future: Dow-Jones: I Told You So 14 Months Ago Items from The Economatrix: Japan Public Debt of 200% of GDP Makes Crisis Inevitable Where Has All That Lost Wealth Gone? Bernanke Admits Printing $1.3 Trillion Out of Thin Air Europe’s Web of Debt What Will They Tax Next? Stocks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

EMB mentioned this amazingly useful, and aptly-named web site: Radio Reference.    o o o Since early 2007, I have warned SurvivalBlog readers about the perils of “kanban” inventory control. Here is a bit of confirmation: Volcano Throws Off Ash, Just-in-Time Efforts. (Thanks to Chad S. for the link.)    o o o Lee C. flagged this: Fat Americans are a national security threat, warn generals    o o o RBS sent this: Copper thieves blamed for dangerous power surge. A comment from RBS: “Here is what could be considered another classic example of the fragility of our Inverted Technological …