J.K. sent this article that gave me a bit of Northern Exposure reminiscence: Move to Northern Minnesota and get $240k? J.K.’s comment: “Unfortunately you have to be a dentist. If I was one I’d be ‘chomping’ at this opportunity.”
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Ron. R. sent this: The kitchen is my closet; Meet the kitchenistas — New Yorkers who store their clothes in ovens and fridges. Ron’s terse comment on this ingrained lack of preparedness: “It won’t end well in Manhattan.”
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The DVD of seasons 1 and 2 of the British post-pandemic television series “Survivors” will be released on April 27th by BBC America, in North American DVD format. While hardly a textbook–as there are many blunders–many people will find it entertaining and thought-provoking.
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Mark B. sent us a link to the latest from Nanny State Britannia: Pet shop owner fined £1,000 and told to wear an electronic tag… for selling a Goldfish to a boy aged 14. Meanwhile, we read: Moped rider invents flamethrower. (And of course he was soon after arrested and charged with a “weapons offence.”) Just as a point of reference, the agricultural flamethrower that one of my old neighbors in Idaho owned shot flames as much as 25 feet. His problem was not the sheriff’s department–it was that too many neighbors wanted to borrow it each Spring.
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Utah governor okays eminent domain use on federal land. (Thanks to Pete A. for the link.)