Getting Prepared for EMP or a Solar Storm, by David in Israel

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) of the regional effect scale is a threat during times of potential crisis with a megaton class nuclear equipped foe who also has near-space launch capability for these weapons. An EMP-like event of greater strength and duration is also possible during extreme solar flare events. These types of event are caused by ionospheric excitation of the upper atmosphere by subatomic particles and plasma ejected from a massive solar discharge, this motion in the conductive plasma generates massive amounts of radio waves. An antenna is any conductor of electricity which inductively converts radio waves into voltage, usually grabbing …

From Michael Z. Williamson: M4 Carbine Failures in Afghanistan Likely Due to High Rate of Fire

Dear Jim, The alleged failure of M4s in Afghanistan is being discussed on my forum and others. The story so far seems to be that when troops fired enough rounds [in a very short period of time] to overheat the weapons, they jammed. This is true of any weapon. Of course, circumstances may dictate that this happen, but it is not a design defect. The M4 is a carbine, not a light machineguns. It’s akin to blaming the HMMWV for having bad armor, when it was designed as a light truck. This site has some details, and a link to …

Three Letters Re: Abandonment of the Dollar is a Premature Rumor

James Wesley, Regarding the oil-denominated-in-dollars flurry, two important points must be noted. First, dollar denominated contracts can be immediately hedged in foreign exchange markets (FOREX) even before the oil is pumped out of the ground. The oil barons aren’t stuck holding their dollars any longer than they can call a FOREX desk or sovereign Treasury department (3/4 of the world’s oil is owned by governments, not Exxon/Chevron/etc.) The more important point of dollar-denominated oil contracts is dollar prestige. Documents from the Federal Reserve show that Arthur Burns not only was interfering with the gold markets three decades ago, but the …

Economics and Investing:

Karen H. mentioned this sobering piece, also subsequently sent in by several other readers: Foreclosures: ‘Worst three months of all time’ The latest from Dr. Housing Bubble: A Comprehensive Look at the Southern California Housing Market: 60,000 Properties Listed on the MLS but over 100,000 in Shadow Inventory. California and Nationwide Median Home Price Trends since 1968. Say Good-Bye to Option ARMs. Also from Karen: Dollar to Hit 50 Yen, Cease as Reserve IRS Intensifies Global Hunt for Secret Offshore Bank Accounts Desperate Dollar Heading to the Basement. (BTW, they concur with my comments on the USDI‘s crucial support level: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

World Rice Stockpiles Hit as Yields Drop    o o o UN: World hunger has been increasing for a decade. Thanks to Bob for the link.    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent us this glimpse of the the Third World: In India: Forget the Diamond Ring, Brides Want Ceramic. “…since a “No Toilet, No Bride” campaign started about two years ago, 1.4 million toilets have been built here in the northern state of Haryana, some with government funds, according to the state’s health department… “I won’t let my daughter near a boy who doesn’t …