Three Letters Re: Some Practical Lessons with Daily Concealed Carry

I thought your reader “D” in North Carolina had some very good observations on daily carry. In particular the mindset advice was solid.

I would like to point out that despite the majority of his info being spot-on, I have to take a different perspective on his “fifth lesson.” First, it’s your choice who you choose to tell that you’re carrying, I’m not trying to tell your readers what to do specifically, but rather I’m trying to shed more light on the topic. It’s actually beneficial if some people know you carry (that you trust) as they will likely have a better idea how to react in a situation or can even back you up if they carry too if you have to present your weapon, rather than just standing there thinking, “where the heck did he get that?” or “Oh my gosh, he’s got a gun!” Now, like “D” said, consider the possible reaction of those you are with when presenting your weapon.

While most gun guys and most law enforcement know that a fanny pack and/or a photographer’s vest screams “gun,” (and you should consider such a thing if you don’t want law enforcement to know you’re carrying) the average person and average crook do not. As a follow up to this point, while I will not say it has never happened, in years of searching and asking friends, law enforcement and online forums for a story, I still have yet to hear of a single time where a bad guy walked in and shot the first person he saw with a photographer’s vest or fanny pack… or even shot a person openly carrying a handgun (other than law enforcement in uniform). Again, “D’s” advice on staying discreet if you need to still applies, but don’t think that you’ll get shot just cause you dress a certain way.

Kudos to “D” for the solid info!!! I suggest to SurvivalBlog readers (particularly those new to carrying a firearm) who haven’t done so already, to read his post, and re-read it. Consider it, and chew it over and decide now what you will do “when” trouble comes your way.

I know that you’ve promoted Front Sight, to which I say it fits very well with “D’s” overall view and combines teaching mindset with firearm skills and trains you in just about everything “D” said. Train, train often, and learn/decide the mindset now! Mindset first, tool second! – PPPP



I got this NYPD training image awhile back and gives great advice and common pitfalls of people that conceal carry.

Quite a bit of it is common sense, but a great learning aid. – Jimmy McC


Check out this interesting piece at the US Concealed Carry web site: A Concise Primer on Concealment Holsters, by Dr. Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D. Regards, – Chester