Letter Re: Keeping Preparedness in Perspective

JWR I often have discussions with my friends and business associates concerning world events and how they will affect our future and I have also read countless statements from others with similar opinions. I have noticed that many people seem to be narrowly focused on only one aspect of possible future events and are not putting the whole picture into perspective. Many are unable to take the actions that are necessary to deal with the probable coming changes. I would like to offer some of my observations and hopefully contribute something that would help others to move in the right …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Six Islamic ethnic Albanians have been arrested in a plot to attack Fort Dix, New Jersey.   o o o Michael Z. Williamson sent us this link to a site for a company that supplies parts for 6×6 and 8×8 amphibious all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)–the ones that you’ve seen advertised for 30+ years in the back of outdoors magazines. . (Such as ATTEX, ARGO, HUSTLER, MAX, AMPHICAT, SIERRA TRAIL BOSS, SCRAMBLER, COOT, CAMEL, JIGER, STARCRAFT, TERRA JET, TERRA TIGER, CUSHMAN TRACKSTER, CHAPPARAL, RIM, and SWAMP FOX. They have lots of parts for discontinued ATV models    o o o 150,000 U.S. …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“In its proper constitutional sense, the term [militia] means all the able-bodied people who can be trained and disciplined to act in the community’s defense when it’s attacked. Since it encompasses every able-bodied person, it does not refer to those—such as the police, the military, or even the National Guard—who formally compose the official defense forces of the nation. Every citizen able and willing to act in an emergency becomes a potential defender against attacks aimed at the general population. Unfortunately, because of the anti-gun folly of the leftist media and politicians, we have lost sight of this vital element …

Note from JWR:

The latest update to our ClusrtrMap shows that there are now SurvivalBlog readers in at least 84 countries. Please keep spreading the word, especially to your friends or relatives that live in inimical and/or economically unstable countries such as Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Columbia, Cote D’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, The Philippines, The Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, or any of the “Stans.” Also, consider mentioning this blog to anyone that lives in a severe climate, such as Greenland, Iceland, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, or Tibet. We are actively …

Reader Poll: Why are You Preparing to Survive?

SF in Hawaii recommended the following topic for a SurvivalBlog reader poll: Those who are well educated enough to see a societal collapse of some sort or another in the making fall into two groups, the merrymakers and the preparers. The merrymakers don’t see life worth living post-SHTF, so they live it up now. We on SurvivalBlog are the preparers and have chosen to survive, but why? Our children? To rebuild civilization? Because the collapse will only be temporary? Because we can and we’re stubborn with a stronger than normal will to survive? Please send your responses (one paragraph or …

Letter Re: Underground House and Retreat Construction

Mr. Rawles, I’m a long time reader of your blog. Thanks for keeping us prepared! I was wondering how you felt about underground housing; see http://www.undergroundhousing.com/ . I’ve been doing some research on it and feel that it may be a great alternative to conventional housing, especially WTSHTF. Cheap, well insulated, and easily defendable. Thanks for your advice, – Tucker JWR Replies: Underground construction.does indeed have some advantages. The cost of construction (per square foot) for underground houses is higher than conventional “stick built” houses, but their long term heating and maintenance costs are very low. I highly recommend them. …

Letter Re: Fuel Storage for Survival Retreats

Sir: Just a note on long term fuel storage. I have discovered that fuel both diesel and gasoline stored in 33 gallon plastic drums with the bungs tight has lasted in excess of five years without a stabilizer. The food grade blue drums have white gaskets in the bungs that have swollen slightly but have not deteriorated. The plastic drums were stored inside 55 gallon steel drums and shaded from direct sunlight. My observations are that the plastic drum expands and contracts (collapses) with the fuel. My assumption is that, with no air breathing, the problems of water condensation, evaporation, …

Two Letters Re: Storing Oil and Lubricants for TEOTWAWKI

James, Very interesting discussion of storing motor oil and other lubricants here! Here is the burning question that perhaps yourself or the throngs of Survivalblog readers could answer. Does detergent or synthetic motor oil degrade over time to be less effective than non detergent motor oil or does it just degrade enough that it might not meet the original American Petroleum Institute (API) rating? It sounds like detergent and synthetic motor oils may only degrade compared to the original API rating and not actually become less effective than non-detergent oils. If someone plans on driving an Audi 1.8T post-TEOTWAWKI then …

Advice on Sealing Your Primers and Acquiring Spare Springs by Teddy Jacobson

I live in a world of reality. I think beyond normal events as its better to prepare now in order to care for the handgun that you will rely on for the protection of life and property. The following are a list of my priorities I feel have become a necessity. No one should ever carry ammunition [in a “carry” firearm”] unless they first seal their primers. I like to use bright red nail polish. Take a box of ammo and paint the entire primer and the lettering on the rear of the case, let it dry completely, when it …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent blog content contributor Michael Z. Williamson found this article: Vigilante squads impose their form of peace in Brazil. The article begins: “For as long as anyone can remember, the cracked asphalt soccer field in the Roquete Pinto slum was off-limits to children – “reserved” by gangs selling marijuana and cocaine. Then, a few months ago, a mysterious squad of beefy men with submachine guns started patrolling on foot, and the drug dealers disappeared.” Mike’s comment: “This is a disturbing trend, which Dr. Jerry Pournelle discussed in his CoDominium series.”    o o o More troubling news on the “gun …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“…Certainly, the intrinsic value of life and the duty to love oneself no less than others are the basis of a true right to self-defense … legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another’s life, the common good of the family or of the State. Unfortunately, it happens that the need to render the aggressor incapable of causing harm sometimes involves taking his life. In this case, the fatal outcome is attributable to the aggressor whose actions brought it about, even though he may not be morally responsible because of a …

Note from JWR:

Today we present another article for Round 10 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. (Worth up to $2,000.) Second prize is a copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, generously donated by Jake Stafford of Arbogast Publishing. I might again be sending out a few complimentary copies of my novel “Patriots” as “honorable mention” awards. If you want a chance to win the contest, start writing and e-mail us your article for Round 10, which ends May 30th. Remember …

Fuel Storage for Survival Retreats, by Flighter

The world runs on petroleum. Imagine a post-apocalyptic period when the local gas station is closed, and has been for two years. How will you carry out your daily activities? Generate electricity? Pump water? Plow your garden, or fields? All of these can be done by hand, and have been for thousands of years. Modern life has given us tools to help with these chores, and we can store the tools, and the food for them, for quite awhile. Gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, Coleman® fuel, and other petroleum products – all can be stored. For long term survival …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ready Made Resources has introduced a “hot” new product: the Solar Spark Lighter–a pocket size solar lighter. It is a stainless steel parabolic mirror designed to focus the sun’s radiant energy to a precise focal point that can reach hundreds of degrees. This great fire starter is perfect for backpacking, boating, hiking and as a survival tool. Measures about 4.5″ diameter.    o o o Kara pointed out this news story: Air Conditioning Units Stolen For Copper   o o o Alfie Omega spotted this article: 20 million chickens now on farms may have had bad feed    o o …