From David In Israel: On Passive Solar Water Heating

James After Passover the weather in Israel always turns hot and clear. Perfect weather to save money. American hot water heating is always on and is always wasting electricity or gas. Passive solar is cheap and simple plus it can be supplemented with electrical on cold days. It is law that every home have a passive solar water heater so I get to see the design on every house, being in the West Bank I also see that the Arab homes and mansions will always have at least one dud shemesh (sun water heater) If a commercial model is too …

Letter From Michael Z. Williamson Re: Countdown to Collapse

Jim: In response to Rosy the Bull, I have to say I’m not so pessimistic. I heard similar dire warnings about how the US economy would collapse at $3 a gallon gas, and it didn’t happen. A great many countries in Europe and Asia, with smaller economies than ours, are paying over $6 a gallon now, which as a percentage of per capita income is five to ten times what we’re paying. As to the comments on nuclear attacks, those are inaccurate. Depleted Uranium is barely radioactive, and its danger is as a colloidal heavy metal toxin. The dangerous radionuclides …

Three Letters Re: Folding Fighting/Utility Knife Recommendations?

Jim, Good to see your using the CRKT knives. They are very affordable. I also like the 12 series tantos. Thery have a good portable size. I followed the link that you provided. I hope you didn’t pay the $48.00 price though, I sell that same knife on eBay for $34.99. Go to ‘Knife Brigade’ if you are interested. I can normally beat the prices of most of the other vendors. I’m just happy to get $10-to$15 dollars over what I pay per knife (guess I wont be getting rich). Best Regards – Jason P.S. Remember–Monday May 1st is ‘American …