SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

Our weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

An Important Safety Note: As are approaching Spring slash-burning season, I assume that some of your slash piles are still fairly wet. Please don’t be tempted to use anything more flammable than diesel fuel, as “woof” for fire-starting. DO NOT EVER use gasoline! – JWR

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The recent presidential address before a joint session of congress was a travesty.  Many of the Democrat party attendees wore matching-color clothing, in protest. Many of them carried round paddle protest signs. Some of them staged walkouts. One House Democrat had to be removed, for repeated outbursts. This all felt reminiscent of the party politics antics often seen in South Africa’s Parliament.  In a night show monologue, leftist humorist Stephen Colbert mocked them. Some pundits on the far left claim that the recent protests did not go far enough. Both the U.S. House and Senate have displayed great restraint and decorum since the 1870s. It is sad to see them descend into Third World theatrics, hystrionics, and idiocracy. – JWR

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Reader Tim J. suggested this: New Scout Unit That Heavily Leverages Drones, Electronic Warfare Tested By U.S. Army.

Reader F.S. wrote to ask:

“Hi Jim,
You have owned 1911s both Gold Cup and Government Model and Glock 21s  which do you think is better?  Which one is more accurate?  Also, experiences with jams?”

JWR Replies:

“Both Glocks and Colts have their merits.  The Gold Cup was more accurate, but of course had 8-round magazines. It was also finicky in feeding some 185-grain hollowpoints.

The Glock is omnivorous. But it will jam if it is shot limp-wristed, even shooting 230-grain ball ammo.

Per manufacturer guidance, Glocks are not to be fired with cast bullets—so that is a limitation

Both guns are quite weatherproof. Our Colts were stainless, and Glocks have a factory coating that is excellent.

Living in bear country, the 13-ronnd magazine is the most important consideration, for us. Lily and I both carry Glock Model 30 .45 ACP pistols, with Glock 21 magazines as our primaries, fitted with X-Grip sleeves below the grip, so that there is no step-down in the grip. Our spare (on-belt) magazines are unaltered Glock 21 13-ronnd magazines.

The weight of a Glock Model 30 with a loaded 13-round Glock 21 magazine is less than the weight of a loaded Colt Gold Cup with an 8-round magazine.

Another difference: Colt Government Model and Gold Cup pistols keep going up in price, while Glocks have plateaued.  But we don’t carry around “investments” here at the Rawles Ranch. Nay, we carry Life Assurance.”

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A very useful set fo comments on a perenially popular topic: EDC Essentials: A List of Must-Haves.

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Some practical tips for Android users:  Find My Device.

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A lastly, just for fun:

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.